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accessToken - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.TokenSet
accessToken - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
accountId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
ACTIVE - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
additional - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData
adhocMargin - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Available
amc - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
amount - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
apiKey - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
available - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin
Available() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Available
avatarURL - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Profile
avatarURL - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
averagePrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
averagePrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFHolding
averagePrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
averagePrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
averagePrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
averagePrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
averagePrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Trade


bo - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData
broker - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Profile
broker - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
BseCD - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
BseCM - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
BseFO - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
buy - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarketDepth
buym2m - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
buyPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
buyQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
buyQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
buyValue - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position


cancelGTT(int) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Cancel GTT.
CANCELLED - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
cancelMFOrder(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
If cancel is successful then api will respond as 200 and send back true else it will be sent back to user as KiteException.
cancelMFSIP(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Cancel a mutualfunds sip.
cancelOrder(String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Cancels an order.
cancelOrder(String, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Cancel/exit special orders like BO, CO
cash - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Available
cash - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData
change - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
close - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.HistoricalData
close - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OHLC
closePrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
code - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions.KiteException
collateral - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Available
collateralQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
collateraltype - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect - package com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect
Offers all functionality that Kite Connect can provide for building a platform.
com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp - package com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp
Wrapper classes for making API call to server and callback for session expiry event.
com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions - package com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions
Different exceptions that kite connect deals with.
com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils - package com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils
Commonly used constants are defined here.
com.zerodhatech.models - package com.zerodhatech.models
All the models that Kite Connect uses are here.
com.zerodhatech.ticker - package com.zerodhatech.ticker
Websocket connection related components for getting live quotes.
CombinedMarginData - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for basket margin calculation response data.
CombinedMarginData() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.CombinedMarginData
condition - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT
Condition() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.Condition
connect() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Establishes a web socket connection.
Constants - Class in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils
Contains all the Strings that are being used in the Kite Connect library.
Constants() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
convertPosition(String, String, String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Modifies an open position's product type.
created - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
createdAt - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT
createDeleteRequest(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Creates a DELETE request.
createGetRequest(String, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Creates a GET request.
createGetRequest(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Creates a GET request.
createGetRequest(String, String, String[], String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Creates a GET request.
createJsonPostRequest(String, JSONArray, Map<String, Object>, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Create a POST request with body type JSON.
createPostRequest(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Creates a POST request.
createPutRequest(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Creates a PUT request.


dataArrayList - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.HistoricalData
DataException - Class in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions
Exceptions raised when invalid data is returned from kite trade.
DataException(String, int) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions.DataException
dayBuyPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
dayBuyQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
dayBuyValue - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
daySellPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
daySellQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
daySellValue - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
debits - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Utilised
DELETED - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
deleteRequest(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Makes a DELETE request.
Depth - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for market depth.
Depth() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.Depth
depth - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
DISABLED - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
disclosedQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
disclosedQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Disclosed quantity
disconnect() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Disconnects websocket connection.
dividend_type - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
dividendType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
doReconnect() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Performs reconnection after a particular interval if count is less than maximum retries.


email - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Profile
email - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
ENABLE_LOGGING - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
exchange - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.Condition
exchange - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams
Exchange in which instrument is listed (NSE, BSE, NFO, BFO, CDS, MCX).
exchange - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
exchange - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
exchange - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData
exchange - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationParams
Exchange in which instrument is listed (NSE, BSE, NFO, BFO, CDS, MCX).
exchange - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
exchange - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Exchange in which instrument is listed (NSE, BSE, NFO, BFO, CDS, MCX).
exchange - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
exchange - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Trade
EXCHANGE_BFO - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
EXCHANGE_BSE - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
EXCHANGE_CDS - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
EXCHANGE_MCX - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
EXCHANGE_NFO - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
EXCHANGE_NSE - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
exchange_token - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
exchangeOrderId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
exchangeOrderId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
exchangeOrderId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Trade
exchanges - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Profile
exchanges - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
exchangeTimestamp - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
exchangeTimestamp - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
exchangeTimestamp - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Trade
exchangeUpdateTimestamp - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
EXPIRED - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
expiresAt - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT
expiry - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
exposure - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Utilised
exposure - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData


filledQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
fillTimestamp - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Trade
finalMargin - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.CombinedMarginData
folio - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFHolding
folio - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
frequency - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
fund - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFHolding
fund - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
fund - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP


GeneralException - Class in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions
An unclassified, general error.
GeneralException(String, int) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions.GeneralException
generateSession(String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Do the token exchange with the `request_token` obtained after the login flow, and retrieve the `access_token` required for all subsequent requests.
get(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.Routes
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Returns accessToken.
getAmc() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getApiKey() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Returns apiKey of the App.
getAverageTradePrice() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getChange() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getClosePrice() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getCombinedMarginCalculation(List<MarginCalculationParams>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Get margins required data for multiple instruments before placing an order, this can be used to check the margin required for taking hedged positions.
getCSVRequest(String, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Makes GET request to fetch CSV dump.
getDividend_type() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getExchange() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
getExchange_token() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
getExpiry() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
getGTT(int) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Fetch details of a GTT.
getGTTs() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Fetches list of gtt existing in an account.
getHighPrice() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getHistoricalData(Date, Date, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves historical data for an instrument.
getHoldings() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves the list of holdings.
getInstrument_token() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
getInstrument_type() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
getInstruments() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves list of market instruments available to trade.
getInstruments(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves list of market instruments available to trade for an exchange Response is array for objects.
getInstrumentToken() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getLast_price() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
getLast_price() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getLast_price_date() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getLastTradedPrice() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getLastTradedQuantity() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getLastTradedTime() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getLoginURL() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves login url
getLoginUrl() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.Routes
getLot_size() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
getLowPrice() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getLTP(String[]) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves last price.
getMarginCalculation(List<MarginCalculationParams>) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Get margins required data before placing an order.
getMargins(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Gets account balance and cash margin details for a particular segment.
getMargins() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Gets account balance and cash margin details for a equity and commodity.
getMarketDepth() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getMFHoldings() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieve all the mutualfunds holdings.
getMFInstruments() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves mutualfunds instruments.
getMFOrder(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves individual mutualfunds order.
getMFOrders() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves all mutualfunds orders.
getMFSIP(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieve an individual sip.
getMFSIPs() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieve all mutualfunds sip.
getMinimum_additional_purchase_amount() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getMinimum_purchase_amount() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getMinimum_redemption_quantity() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getMode() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getName() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
getName() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getOHLC(String[]) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves OHLC and last price.
getOi() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getOpenInterestDayHigh() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getOpenInterestDayLow() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getOpenPrice() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getOrder(JSONObject) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
getOrderHistory(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Returns list of different stages an order has gone through.
getOrders() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Fetches collection of orders from the orderbook.
getOrders() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Depth
getOrderTrades(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves list of trades executed of an order.
getPlan() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getPositions() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves the list of positions.
getPrice() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Depth
getProfile() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Get the profile details of the use.
getPublicToken() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Returns publicToken.
getPurchase_allowed() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getPurchase_amount_multiplier() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getQuantity() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Depth
getQuote(String[]) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves quote and market depth for an instrument
getRedemption_allowed() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getRedemption_quantity_multiplier() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getRequest(String, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Makes a GET request.
getRequest(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Makes a GET request.
getRequest(String, String, String[], String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Makes a GET request.
getScheme_type() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getSegment() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
getSettlement_type() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getStrike() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
getTick_size() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
getTickTimestamp() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getTotalBuyQuantity() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getTotalSellQuantity() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getTrades() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves list of trades executed.
getTradingsymbol() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
getTradingsymbol() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
getTriggerRange(String[], String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Retrieves buy or sell trigger range for Cover Orders.
getUserId() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Returns userId.
getVolumeTradedToday() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
getWebsocketAdapter() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Returns a WebSocketAdapter to listen to ticker related events.
getWsuri() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.Routes
GTT - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
Created by sujith on 9/21/19.
GTT() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT
GTT.Condition - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
GTT.GTTMeta - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
GTT.GTTOrder - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
GTT.GTTOrderResult - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
GTT.GTTResult - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
GTTMeta() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTMeta
GTTOrder() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTOrder
GTTOrderParams() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams.GTTOrderParams
GTTOrderResult() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTOrderResult
GTTParams - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
Created by sujith on 9/23/19.
GTTParams() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams
GTTParams.GTTOrderParams - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
GTTResult() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTResult
guid - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order


handle(Response, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteResponseHandler
handle(Response, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteResponseHandler
high - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.HistoricalData
high - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OHLC
HistoricalData - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for historical data.
HistoricalData() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.HistoricalData
Holding - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for holdings.
Holding() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
holdingSales - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Utilised


icebergLegs - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Total number of legs for iceberg order type.
icebergQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Split quantity for each iceberg leg order.
id - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT
Indices - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
initialMargin - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.CombinedMarginData
InputException - Class in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions
Represents user input errors such as missing and invalid parameters.
InputException(String, int) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions.InputException
instalmentAmount - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
instalmentDate - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
instalments - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
Instrument - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for Instrument.
Instrument() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
instrument_token - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
instrument_type - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
INSTRUMENTS_SEGMENTS_COMMODITY - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
INSTRUMENTS_SEGMENTS_CURRENCY - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
INSTRUMENTS_SEGMENTS_EQUITY - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
Instruments segments.
INSTRUMENTS_SEGMENTS_FUTURES - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
instrumentToken - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.Condition
instrumentToken - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams
A unique instrument token which is assigned to each instrument, can be found in the instrument master dump.
instrumentToken - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
instrumentToken - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.LTPQuote
instrumentToken - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OHLCQuote
instrumentToken - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
instrumentToken - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
instrumentToken - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Trade
intradayPayin - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Available
invalidateAccessToken() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Kills the session by invalidating the access token.
invalidateRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Kills the refresh token.
isConnectionOpen() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Returns true if websocket connection is open.
isin - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
isTradable() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick


KiteConnect - Class in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect
Offers all the functionality like placing order, fetch margins, orderbook, positions, fetch market snap quote.
KiteConnect(String) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Initializes KiteSDK with the api key provided for your app.
KiteConnect(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Initializes KiteSDK with the api key provided for your app.
KiteConnect(String, Proxy, boolean) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Initializes KiteSDK with the api key provided for your app.
KiteException - Class in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions
This is the base exception class which has a publicly accessible message and code that is received from Kite Connect api.
KiteException(String) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions.KiteException
KiteException(String, int) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions.KiteException
KiteRequestHandler - Class in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp
Request handler for all Http requests
KiteRequestHandler(Proxy) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Initialize request handler.
KiteResponseHandler - Class in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp
Response handler for handling all the responses.
KiteResponseHandler() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteResponseHandler
KiteTicker - Class in com.zerodhatech.ticker
Ticker provider sends tokens to server and get ticks from server.
KiteTicker(String, String) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Initialize Kite Ticker.


last_price - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
last_price - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
last_price_date - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
lastInstalment - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
lastPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.Condition
lastPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams
lastPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
lastPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.LTPQuote
lastPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFHolding
lastPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
lastPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OHLCQuote
lastPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
lastPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
lastTradedQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
lastTradedTime - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
liveBalance - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Available
loginTime - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
logout() - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Logs out user by invalidating the access token.
lot_size - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
low - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.HistoricalData
low - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OHLC
lower - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.TriggerRange
lowerCircuitLimit - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
LTPQuote - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for instrument token, OHLC data.
LTPQuote() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.LTPQuote


m2m - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
m2mRealised - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Utilised
m2mUnrealised - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Utilised
Margin - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
Margin() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin
Margin.Available - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
Class available is a wrapper around available cash margins used by GSON.
Margin.Utilised - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
Utilised is a wrapper around utilised margins, used by GSON.
MARGIN_COMMODITY - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
MARGIN_EQUITY - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
Margin segments.
MarginCalculationData - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for margin calculation response data.
MarginCalculationData() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData
MarginCalculationData.PnL - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
MarginCalculationParams - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for margin calculation API's params to be sent while sending request.
MarginCalculationParams() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationParams
MarketDepth - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for market depth data.
MarketDepth() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.MarketDepth
McxFO - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
McxSX - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
message - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions.KiteException
meta - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT
meta - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
MFHolding - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for mutual funds holding.
MFHolding() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.MFHolding
MFInstrument - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for mutual funds instrument.
MFInstrument() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
MFOrder - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for mutual funds order.
MFOrder() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
MFSIP - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for mutual funds sip.
MFSIP() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
minimum_additional_purchase_amount - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
minimum_purchase_amount - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
minimum_redemption_quantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
modeFull - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
modeLTP - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
modeQuote - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
modifyGTT(int, GTTParams) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Modify a GTT.
modifyMFSIP(String, int, int, double, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Modify a mutualfunds sip.
modifyOrder(String, OrderParams, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Modifies an open order.
multiplier - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position


name - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
name - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
net - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin
netQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
netValue - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
NetworkException - Class in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions
Represents a network issue between Kite and the backend Order Management System (OMS).
NetworkException(String, int) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions.NetworkException
NseCD - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
NseCM - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
NseFO - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker


OCO - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
OHLC - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for open, high, low, close.
OHLC() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.OHLC
ohlc - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OHLCQuote
ohlc - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
OHLCQuote - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for open, high, low, close, instrument token and last price
OHLCQuote() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.OHLCQuote
oi - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.HistoricalData
oi - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
oiDayHigh - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
oiDayLow - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
OnConnect - Interface in com.zerodhatech.ticker
Callback to listen to com.zerodhatech.ticker websocket connected event.
onConnected() - Method in interface com.zerodhatech.ticker.OnConnect
OnDisconnect - Interface in com.zerodhatech.ticker
Callback to listen to com.zerodhatech.ticker websocket disconnected event.
onDisconnected() - Method in interface com.zerodhatech.ticker.OnDisconnect
OnError - Interface in com.zerodhatech.ticker
Created by sujith on 11/21/17.
onError(Exception) - Method in interface com.zerodhatech.ticker.OnError
onError(KiteException) - Method in interface com.zerodhatech.ticker.OnError
onError(String) - Method in interface com.zerodhatech.ticker.OnError
OnOrderUpdate - Interface in com.zerodhatech.ticker
Created by sujith on 12/26/17.
onOrderUpdate(Order) - Method in interface com.zerodhatech.ticker.OnOrderUpdate
OnTicks - Interface in com.zerodhatech.ticker
OnTicks interface is called once ticks arrive.
onTicks(ArrayList<Tick>) - Method in interface com.zerodhatech.ticker.OnTicks
open - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.HistoricalData
open - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OHLC
option_premium - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData
optionPremium - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Utilised
Order - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for order.
Order() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
ORDER_CANCELLED - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
ORDER_COMPLETE - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
ORDER_LAPSED - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
ORDER_OPEN - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
ORDER_REJECTED - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
ORDER_TRIGGER_PENDING - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
ORDER_TYPE_MARKET - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
Order types.
ORDER_TYPE_SL - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
ORDER_TYPE_SLM - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
OrderException - Class in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions
Represents all order placement and manipulation errors.
OrderException(String, int) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions.OrderException
orderId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTOrderResult
orderId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
orderId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
orderId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
orderId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Trade
OrderParams - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for order params to be sent while placing an order.
OrderParams() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
orderResult - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTResult
orders - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.CombinedMarginData
orders - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT
orders - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams
List of target or stop-loss orders
orderTimestamp - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
orderTimestamp - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
orderType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTOrder
orderType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams.GTTOrderParams
Order type (LIMIT, SL, SL-M, MARKET).
orderType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationParams
Order type (LIMIT, SL, SL-M, MARKET).
orderType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
orderType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Order type (LIMIT, SL, SL-M, MARKET).
orderTypes - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Profile
orderTypes - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
orderVariety - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
overnightQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position


parentOrderId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
parentOrderId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Parent order id is used to send order modify request.
parseArray(User, JSONObject) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
Parses array details of product, exchange and order_type from json response.
parseResponse(JSONObject) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.HistoricalData
parseResponse(JSONObject) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
Parses user details response from server.
pendingInstalments - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
pendingQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
percentage - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.TriggerRange
PermissionException - Class in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions
Represents permission denied exceptions for certain calls.
PermissionException(String, int) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions.PermissionException
placedBy - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
placeGTT(GTTParams) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Place a GTT.
placeMFOrder(String, String, double, double, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Place a mutualfunds order.
placeMFSIP(String, String, int, int, int, double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Place a mutualfunds sip.
placeOrder(OrderParams, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Places an order.
plan - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
pnl - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
pnl - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData
PnL() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData.PnL
pnl - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFHolding
pnl - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
Position - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for position.
Position() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
POSITION_DAY - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
Position types.
POSITION_OVERNIGHT - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
postRequest(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Makes a POST request.
postRequestJSON(String, JSONArray, Map<String, Object>, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Make a JSON POST request.
price - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTOrder
price - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams.GTTOrderParams
Order Price
price - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
price - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationParams
Order Price
price - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
price - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Order Price
product - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTOrder
product - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams.GTTOrderParams
Product code (NRML, MIS, CNC).
product - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
product - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationParams
Product code (NRML, MIS, CNC).
product - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
product - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Product code (NRML, MIS, CNC).
product - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
product - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Trade
PRODUCT_CNC - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
PRODUCT_MIS - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
Product types.
PRODUCT_NRML - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
products - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Profile
products - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
Profile - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for profile response.
Profile() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.Profile
publicToken - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
purchase_allowed - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
purchase_amount_multiplier - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
purchaseType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
putRequest(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler
Makes a PUT request.


quantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTOrder
quantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams.GTTOrderParams
Order quantity
quantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
quantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationParams
Order quantity
quantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFHolding
quantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
quantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
quantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Order quantity
quantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Trade
Quote - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for quote.
Quote() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote


realised - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
realisedQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
reason - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTOrderResult
redemption_allowed - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
redemption_quantity_multiplier - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
refreshToken - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.TokenSet
refreshToken - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
REJECTED - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
rejectionReason - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTMeta
renewAccessToken(String, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Get a new access token using refresh token.
result - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTOrder
Routes - Class in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect
Generates endpoints for all api calls.
Routes() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.Routes
routes - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.Routes


scheme_type - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
segment - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
sell - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarketDepth
sellm2m - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
sellPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
sellQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
sellQuantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
sellValue - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
sessionExpired() - Method in interface com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.SessionExpiryHook
sessionExpiryHook - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
SessionExpiryHook - Interface in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp
A callback whenever there is a token expiry
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Set the accessToken received after a successful authentication.
setAmc(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setAverageTradePrice(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setClosePrice(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setDividend_type(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setExchange(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
setExchange_token(long) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
setExpiry(Date) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
setHighPrice(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setInstrument_token(long) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
setInstrument_type(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
setInstrumentToken(long) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setLast_price(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
setLast_price(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setLast_price_date(Date) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setLastTradedPrice(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setLastTradedQuantity(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setLastTradedTime(Date) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setLot_size(int) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
setLowPrice(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setMarketDepth(Map<String, ArrayList<Depth>>) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setMaximumRetries(int) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Set max number of retries for reconnection, for infinite retries set value as -1.
setMaximumRetryInterval(int) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
setMinimum_additional_purchase_amount(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setMinimum_purchase_amount(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setMinimum_redemption_quantity(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setMode(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setMode(ArrayList<Long>, String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Setting different modes for an arraylist of tokens.
setName(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
setName(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setNetPriceChangeFromClosingPrice(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setOi(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setOnConnectedListener(OnConnect) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Set listener for on connection established.
setOnDisconnectedListener(OnDisconnect) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Set listener for on connection is disconnected.
setOnErrorListener(OnError) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Set error listener.
setOnOrderUpdateListener(OnOrderUpdate) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Set listener for order updates.
setOnTickerArrivalListener(OnTicks) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Set listener for listening to ticks.
setOpenInterestDayHigh(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setOpenInterestDayLow(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setOpenPrice(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setOrders(int) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Depth
setPlan(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setPrice(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Depth
setPublicToken(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Set publicToken.
setPurchase_allowed(boolean) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setPurchase_amount_multiplier(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setQuantity(int) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Depth
setRedemption_allowed(boolean) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setRedemption_quantity_multiplier(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setScheme_type(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setSegment(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
setSessionExpiryHook(SessionExpiryHook) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Registers callback for session error.
setSettlement_type(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setStrike(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
setTick_size(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
setTickTimestamp(Date) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
settlement_type - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
settlementId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
setTotalBuyQuantity(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setTotalSellQuantity(double) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setTradable(boolean) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
setTradingsymbol(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
setTradingsymbol(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
setTryReconnection(boolean) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Set tryReconnection, to instruct KiteTicker that it has to reconnect, if com.zerodhatech.ticker is disconnected.
setUserId(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Set userId.
setVolumeTradedToday(long) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
sha256Hex(String) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.KiteConnect
Hex encodes sha256 output for android support.
shortName - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
SINGLE - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
sipId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
span - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Utilised
span - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData
squareoff - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Square off value (only for bracket orders)
status - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT
status - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
status - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
status - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
statusMessage - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
statusMessage - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
stoploss - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Stoploss value (only for bracket orders)
strike - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
subscribe(ArrayList<Long>) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Subscribes for list of tokens.


t1Quantity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
tag - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
tag - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
tag - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
tag - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Tag: field for users to tag orders.
Tick - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
Tick() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.Tick
tick_size - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
timestamp - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTResult
timeStamp - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.HistoricalData
timestamp - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
TokenException - Class in com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions
Denotes session is expired.
TokenException(String, int) - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.exceptions.TokenException
TokenSet - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for user id, access token, refresh token.
TokenSet() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.TokenSet
total - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData
Trade - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for trade.
Trade() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.Trade
tradeId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Trade
tradingSymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.Condition
tradingsymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams
Tradingsymbol of the instrument (ex.
tradingSymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Holding
tradingsymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Instrument
tradingSymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData
tradingSymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationParams
Tradingsymbol of the instrument (ex.
tradingsymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFHolding
tradingsymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFInstrument
tradingsymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
tradingsymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
tradingSymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
tradingsymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Tradingsymbol of the instrument (ex.
tradingSymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
tradingSymbol - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Trade
trailingStoploss - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Trailing stoploss value (only for bracket orders)
TRANSACTION_TYPE_BUY - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
Transaction types.
TRANSACTION_TYPE_SELL - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
transactionType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTOrder
transactionType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams.GTTOrderParams
Transaction type (BUY, SELL)
transactionType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationParams
Transaction type (BUY or SELL).
transactionType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
transactionType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFSIP
transactionType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
transactionType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Transaction type (BUY or SELL).
transactionType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Trade
TRIGGERED - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
triggeredAtPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.GTTResult
triggerPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationParams
Trigger price
triggerPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
triggerPrice - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Trigger price
triggerPrices - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams
TriggerRange - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for trigger range.
TriggerRange() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.TriggerRange
triggerType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT
triggerType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTTParams
triggerValues - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT.Condition
turnover - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Utilised
type - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData


unrealised - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
unsubscribe(ArrayList<Long>) - Method in class com.zerodhatech.ticker.KiteTicker
Unsubscribes ticks for list of tokens.
updatedAt - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.GTT
upper - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.TriggerRange
upperCircuitLimit - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
User - Class in com.zerodhatech.models
A wrapper for user and session details.
User() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.User
userId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.TokenSet
userId - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
userName - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Profile
userName - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
userShortname - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Profile
userType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Profile
userType - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.User
utilised - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin
Utilised() - Constructor for class com.zerodhatech.models.Margin.Utilised


validity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
validity - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Order validity (DAY, IOC).
VALIDITY_DAY - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
Validity types.
VALIDITY_IOC - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
VALIDITY_TTL - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
validityTTL - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Order
validityTTL - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.OrderParams
Custom validity user can enter which denotes time to live in minutes.
value - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Position
var - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationData
variety - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MarginCalculationParams
Variety (regular, co, amo)
variety - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.MFOrder
VARIETY_AMO - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
VARIETY_BO - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
VARIETY_CO - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
VARIETY_ICEBERG - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
VARIETY_REGULAR - Static variable in class com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.utils.Constants
Variety types.
volume - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.HistoricalData
volumeTradedToday - Variable in class com.zerodhatech.models.Quote
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