
Class   Kite Class

The API client class. In production, you may initialize a single instance of this class per APIKey.

Method   Kite Constructor

Initialize a new Kite Connect client instance.

Argument Type Description
APIKey String API Key issued to you
AccessToken String The token obtained after the login flow in exchange for the RequestToken . Pre-login, this will default to None,but once you have obtained it, you should persist it in a database or session to pass to the Kite Connect class initialisation for subsequent requests.
Root String API end point root. Unless you explicitly want to send API requests to a non-default endpoint, this can be ignored.
Debug Boolean If set to True, will serialise and print requests and responses to stdout.
Timeout Int32 Time in milliseconds for which the API client will wait for a request to complete before it fails
Proxy Net.WebProxy To set proxy for http request. Should be an object of WebProxy.
Pool Int32 Number of connections to server. Client will reuse the connections if they are alive.

Method   Kite.EnableLogging

Enabling logging prints HTTP request and response summaries to console

Argument Type Description
enableLogging Boolean Set to true to enable logging

Method   Kite.SetSessionExpiryHook

Set a callback hook for session (TokenException -- timeout, expiry etc.) errors. An AccessToken (login session) can become invalid for a number of reasons, but it doesn't make sense for the client to try and catch it during every API call. A callback method that handles session errors can be set here and when the client encounters a token error at any point, it'll be called. This callback, for instance, can log the user out of the UI, clear session cookies, or initiate a fresh login.

Argument Type Description
Method Action Action to be invoked when session becomes invalid.

Method   Kite.SetAccessToken

Set the AccessToken received after a successful authentication.

Argument Type Description
AccessToken String Access token for the session.

Method   Kite.GetLoginURL

Get the remote login url to which a user should be redirected to initiate the login flow.

Returns: Login url to authenticate the user.

Method   Kite.GenerateSession

Do the token exchange with the RequestToken obtained after the login flow, and retrieve the AccessToken required for all subsequent requests.The response contains not just the AccessToken, but metadata for the user who has authenticated.

Argument Type Description
RequestToken String Token obtained from the GET paramers after a successful login redirect.
AppSecret String API secret issued with the API key.

Returns: User structure with tokens and profile data

Method   Kite.InvalidateAccessToken

Kill the session by invalidating the access token

Argument Type Description
AccessToken String Access token to invalidate. Default is the active access token.

Returns: Json response in the form of nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.InvalidateRefreshToken

Invalidates RefreshToken

Argument Type Description
RefreshToken String RefreshToken to invalidate

Returns: Json response in the form of nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.RenewAccessToken

Renew AccessToken using RefreshToken

Argument Type Description
RefreshToken String RefreshToken to renew the AccessToken.
AppSecret String API secret issued with the API key.

Returns: TokenRenewResponse that contains new AccessToken and RefreshToken.

Method   Kite.GetProfile

Gets currently logged in user details

Returns: User profile

Method   Kite.GetMargins

Get account balance and cash margin details for all segments.

Returns: User margin response with both equity and commodity margins.

Method   Kite.GetMargins

Get account balance and cash margin details for a particular segment.

Argument Type Description
Segment String Trading segment (eg: equity or commodity)

Returns: Margins for specified segment.

Method   Kite.PlaceOrder

Place an order

Argument Type Description
Exchange String Name of the exchange
TradingSymbol String Tradingsymbol of the instrument
TransactionType String BUY or SELL
Quantity Int32 Quantity to transact
Price Nullable{Decimal} For LIMIT orders
Product String Margin product applied to the order (margin is blocked based on this)
OrderType String Order type (MARKET, LIMIT etc.)
Validity String Order validity
DisclosedQuantity Nullable{Int32} Quantity to disclose publicly (for equity trades)
TriggerPrice Nullable{Decimal} For SL, SL-M etc.
SquareOffValue Nullable{Decimal} Price difference at which the order should be squared off and profit booked (eg: Order price is 100. Profit target is 102. So squareoff = 2)
StoplossValue Nullable{Decimal} Stoploss difference at which the order should be squared off (eg: Order price is 100. Stoploss target is 98. So stoploss = 2)
TrailingStoploss Nullable{Decimal} Incremental value by which stoploss price changes when market moves in your favor by the same incremental value from the entry price (optional)
Variety String You can place orders of varieties; regular orders, after market orders, cover orders etc.
Tag String An optional tag to apply to an order to identify it (alphanumeric, max 8 chars)

Returns: Json response in the form of nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.ModifyOrder

Modify an open order.

Argument Type Description
OrderId String Id of the order to be modified
ParentOrderId String Id of the parent order (obtained from the /orders call) as BO is a multi-legged order
Exchange String Name of the exchange
TradingSymbol String Tradingsymbol of the instrument
TransactionType String BUY or SELL
Quantity String Quantity to transact
Price Nullable{Decimal} For LIMIT orders
Product String Margin product applied to the order (margin is blocked based on this)
OrderType String Order type (MARKET, LIMIT etc.)
Validity String Order validity
DisclosedQuantity Nullable{Int32} Quantity to disclose publicly (for equity trades)
TriggerPrice Nullable{Decimal} For SL, SL-M etc.
Variety String You can place orders of varieties; regular orders, after market orders, cover orders etc.

Returns: Json response in the form of nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.CancelOrder

Cancel an order

Argument Type Description
OrderId String Id of the order to be cancelled
Variety String You can place orders of varieties; regular orders, after market orders, cover orders etc.
ParentOrderId String Id of the parent order (obtained from the /orders call) as BO is a multi-legged order

Returns: Json response in the form of nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.GetOrders

Gets the collection of orders from the orderbook.

Returns: List of orders.

Method   Kite.GetOrderHistory

Gets information about given OrderId.

Argument Type Description
OrderId String Unique order id

Returns: List of order objects.

Method   Kite.GetOrderTrades

Retreive the list of trades executed (all or ones under a particular order). An order can be executed in tranches based on market conditions. These trades are individually recorded under an order.

Argument Type Description
OrderId String is the ID of the order (optional) whose trades are to be retrieved. If no OrderId is specified, all trades for the day are returned.

Returns: List of trades of given order.

Method   Kite.GetPositions

Retrieve the list of positions.

Returns: Day and net positions.

Method   Kite.GetHoldings

Retrieve the list of equity holdings.

Returns: List of holdings.

Method   Kite.ConvertPosition

Modify an open position's product type.

Argument Type Description
Exchange String Name of the exchange
TradingSymbol String Tradingsymbol of the instrument
TransactionType String BUY or SELL
PositionType String overnight or day
Quantity Nullable{Int32} Quantity to convert
OldProduct String Existing margin product of the position
NewProduct String Margin product to convert to

Returns: Json response in the form of nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.GetInstruments

Retrieve the list of market instruments available to trade. Note that the results could be large, several hundred KBs in size, with tens of thousands of entries in the list.

Argument Type Description
Exchange String Name of the exchange

Returns: List of instruments.

Method   Kite.GetQuote

Retrieve quote and market depth of upto 200 instruments

Argument Type Description
InstrumentId String[] Indentification of instrument in the form of EXCHANGE:TRADINGSYMBOL (eg: NSE:INFY) or InstrumentToken (eg: 408065)

Returns: Dictionary of all Quote objects with keys as in InstrumentId

Method   Kite.GetOHLC

Retrieve LTP and OHLC of upto 200 instruments

Argument Type Description
InstrumentId String[] Indentification of instrument in the form of EXCHANGE:TRADINGSYMBOL (eg: NSE:INFY) or InstrumentToken (eg: 408065)

Returns: Dictionary of all OHLC objects with keys as in InstrumentId

Method   Kite.GetLTP

Retrieve LTP of upto 200 instruments

Argument Type Description
InstrumentId String[] Indentification of instrument in the form of EXCHANGE:TRADINGSYMBOL (eg: NSE:INFY) or InstrumentToken (eg: 408065)

Returns: Dictionary with InstrumentId as key and LTP as value.

Method   Kite.GetHistoricalData

Retrieve historical data (candles) for an instrument.

Argument Type Description
InstrumentToken String Identifier for the instrument whose historical records you want to fetch. This is obtained with the instrument list API.
FromDate DateTime Date in format yyyy-MM-dd for fetching candles between two days. Date in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss for fetching candles between two timestamps.
ToDate DateTime Date in format yyyy-MM-dd for fetching candles between two days. Date in format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss for fetching candles between two timestamps.
Interval String The candle record interval. Possible values are: minute, day, 3minute, 5minute, 10minute, 15minute, 30minute, 60minute
Continuous Boolean Pass true to get continous data of expired instruments.

Returns: List of Historical objects.

Method   Kite.GetTriggerRange

Retrieve the buy/sell trigger range for Cover Orders.

Argument Type Description
InstrumentId String[] Indentification of instrument in the form of EXCHANGE:TRADINGSYMBOL (eg: NSE:INFY) or InstrumentToken (eg: 408065)
TrasactionType String BUY or SELL

Returns: List of trigger ranges for given instrument ids for given transaction type.

Method   Kite.GetGTTs

Retrieve the list of GTTs.

Returns: List of GTTs.

Method   Kite.GetGTT

Retrieve a single GTT

Argument Type Description
GTTId Int32 Id of the GTT

Returns: GTT info

Method   Kite.PlaceGTT

Place a GTT order

Argument Type Description
gttParams GTTParams Contains the parameters for the GTT order

Returns: Json response in the form of nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.ModifyGTT

Modify a GTT order

Argument Type Description
GTTId Int32 Id of the GTT to be modified
gttParams GTTParams Contains the parameters for the GTT order

Returns: Json response in the form of nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.CancelGTT

Cancel a GTT order

Argument Type Description
GTTId Int32 Id of the GTT to be modified

Returns: Json response in the form of nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.GetMFInstruments

Gets the Mutual funds Instruments.

Returns: The Mutual funds Instruments.

Method   Kite.GetMFOrders

Gets all Mutual funds orders.

Returns: The Mutual funds orders.

Method   Kite.GetMFOrders

Gets the Mutual funds order by OrderId.

Argument Type Description
OrderId String Order id.

Returns: The Mutual funds order.

Method   Kite.PlaceMFOrder

Places a Mutual funds order.

Argument Type Description
TradingSymbol String Tradingsymbol (ISIN) of the fund.
TransactionType String BUY or SELL.
Amount Nullable{Decimal} Amount worth of units to purchase. Not applicable on SELLs.
Quantity Nullable{Decimal} Quantity to SELL. Not applicable on BUYs. If the holding is less than minimum_redemption_quantity, all the units have to be sold.
Tag String An optional tag to apply to an order to identify it (alphanumeric, max 8 chars).

Returns: JSON response as nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.CancelMFOrder

Cancels the Mutual funds order.

Argument Type Description
OrderId String Unique order id.

Returns: JSON response as nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.GetMFSIPs

Gets all Mutual funds SIPs.

Returns: The list of all Mutual funds SIPs.

Method   Kite.GetMFSIPs

Gets a single Mutual funds SIP by SIP id.

Argument Type Description
SIPID String SIP id.

Returns: The Mutual funds SIP.

Method   Kite.PlaceMFSIP

Places a Mutual funds SIP order.

Argument Type Description
TradingSymbol String ISIN of the fund.
Amount Nullable{Decimal} Amount worth of units to purchase. It should be equal to or greated than minimum_additional_purchase_amount and in multiple of purchase_amount_multiplier in the instrument master.
InitialAmount Nullable{Decimal} Amount worth of units to purchase before the SIP starts. Should be equal to or greater than minimum_purchase_amount and in multiple of purchase_amount_multiplier. This is only considered if there have been no prior investments in the target fund.
Frequency String weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
InstalmentDay Nullable{Int32} If Frequency is monthly, the day of the month (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25) to trigger the order on.
Instalments Nullable{Int32} Number of instalments to trigger. If set to -1, instalments are triggered at fixed intervals until the SIP is cancelled.
Tag String An optional tag to apply to an order to identify it (alphanumeric, max 8 chars).

Returns: JSON response as nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.ModifyMFSIP

Modifies the Mutual funds SIP.

Argument Type Description
SIPId String SIP id.
Amount Nullable{Decimal} Amount worth of units to purchase. It should be equal to or greated than minimum_additional_purchase_amount and in multiple of purchase_amount_multiplier in the instrument master.
Frequency String weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
InstalmentDay Nullable{Int32} If Frequency is monthly, the day of the month (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25) to trigger the order on.
Instalments Nullable{Int32} Number of instalments to trigger. If set to -1, instalments are triggered idefinitely until the SIP is cancelled.
Status String Pause or unpause an SIP (active or paused).

Returns: JSON response as nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.CancelMFSIP

Cancels the Mutual funds SIP.

Argument Type Description
SIPId String SIP id.

Returns: JSON response as nested string dictionary.

Method   Kite.GetMFHoldings

Gets the Mutual funds holdings.

Returns: The list of all Mutual funds holdings.

Method   Kite.Get

Alias for sending a GET request.

Argument Type Description
Route String URL route of API
Params Collections.Generic.Dictionary{String:Object} Additional paramerters

Returns: Varies according to API endpoint

Method   Kite.Post

Alias for sending a POST request.

Argument Type Description
Route String URL route of API
Params Collections.Generic.Dictionary{String:Object} Additional paramerters

Returns: Varies according to API endpoint

Method   Kite.Put

Alias for sending a PUT request.

Argument Type Description
Route String URL route of API
Params Collections.Generic.Dictionary{String:Object} Additional paramerters

Returns: Varies according to API endpoint

Method   Kite.Delete

Alias for sending a DELETE request.

Argument Type Description
Route String URL route of API
Params Collections.Generic.Dictionary{String:Object} Additional paramerters

Returns: Varies according to API endpoint

Method   Kite.AddExtraHeaders

Adds extra headers to request

Argument Type Description
Req Net.HttpWebRequest@ Request object to add headers

Method   Kite.Request

Make an HTTP request.

Argument Type Description
Route String URL route of API
Method String Method of HTTP request
Params Collections.Generic.Dictionary{String:Object} Additional paramerters

Returns: Varies according to API endpoint

Class   Tick Class

Tick data structure

Class   DepthItem Class

Market depth item structure

Class   Historical Class

Historical structure

Class   Holding Class

Holding structure

Class   AvailableMargin Class

Available margin structure

Class   UtilisedMargin Class

Utilised margin structure

Class   UserMargin Class

UserMargin structure

Class   UserMarginsResponse Class

User margins response structure

Class   InstrumentMargin Class

UserMargin structure

Class   Position Class

Position structure

Class   PositionResponse Class

Position response structure

Class   Order Class

Order structure

Class   GTT Class

GTTOrder structure

Class   GTTMeta Class

GTTMeta structure

Class   GTTCondition Class

GTTCondition structure

Class   GTTOrder Class

GTTOrder structure

Class   GTTResult Class

GTTResult structure

Class   GTTOrderResult Class

GTTOrderResult structure

Class   GTTParams Class

GTTParams structure

Class   GTTOrderParams Class

GTTOrderParams structure

Class   Instrument Class

Instrument structure

Class   Trade Class

Trade structure

Class   TrigerRange Class

Trigger range structure

Class   User Class

User structure

Class   Profile Class

User structure

Class   Quote Class

Quote structure

Class   OHLC Class

OHLC Quote structure

Class   LTP Class

LTP Quote structure

Class   MFHolding Class

Mutual funds holdings structure

Class   MFInstrument Class

Mutual funds instrument structure

Class   MFOrder Class

Mutual funds order structure

Class   MFSIP Class

Mutual funds SIP structure

Class   Ticker Class

The WebSocket client for connecting to Kite Connect's streaming quotes service.

Event   Ticker.OnConnect

Event triggered when ticker is connected

Event   Ticker.OnClose

Event triggered when ticker is disconnected

Event   Ticker.OnTick

Event triggered when ticker receives a tick

Event   Ticker.OnOrderUpdate

Event triggered when ticker receives an order update

Event   Ticker.OnError

Event triggered when ticker encounters an error

Event   Ticker.OnReconnect

Event triggered when ticker is reconnected

Event   Ticker.OnNoReconnect

Event triggered when ticker is not reconnecting after failure

Method   Ticker Constructor

Initialize websocket client instance.

Argument Type Description
APIKey String API key issued to you
UserID String Zerodha client id of the authenticated user
AccessToken String Token obtained after the login flow in exchange for the request_token.Pre-login, this will default to None, but once you have obtained it, you should persist it in a database or session to pass to the Kite Connect class initialisation for subsequent requests.
Root Boolean Websocket API end point root. Unless you explicitly want to send API requests to a non-default endpoint, this can be ignored.
Reconnect Int32 Enables WebSocket autreconnect in case of network failure/disconnection.
ReconnectInterval Int32 Interval (in seconds) between auto reconnection attemptes. Defaults to 5 seconds.
ReconnectTries Boolean Maximum number reconnection attempts. Defaults to 50 attempts.

Method   Ticker.ReadShort

Reads 2 byte short int from byte stream

Method   Ticker.ReadInt

Reads 4 byte int32 from byte stream

Method   Ticker.ReadLTP

Reads an ltp mode tick from raw binary data

Method   Ticker.ReadIndexQuote

Reads a index's quote mode tick from raw binary data

Method   Ticker.ReadQuote

Reads a quote mode tick from raw binary data

Method   Ticker.ReadFull

Reads a full mode tick from raw binary data

Field   Ticker.IsConnected

Tells whether ticker is connected to server not.

Method   Ticker.Connect

Start a WebSocket connection

Method   Ticker.Close

Close a WebSocket connection

Method   Ticker.Reconnect

Reconnect WebSocket connection in case of failures

Method   Ticker.Subscribe

Subscribe to a list of instrument_tokens.

Argument Type Description
Tokens UInt32[] List of instrument instrument_tokens to subscribe

Method   Ticker.UnSubscribe

Unsubscribe the given list of instrument_tokens.

Argument Type Description
Tokens UInt32[] List of instrument instrument_tokens to unsubscribe

Method   Ticker.SetMode

Set streaming mode for the given list of tokens.

Argument Type Description
Tokens UInt32[] List of instrument tokens on which the mode should be applied
Mode String Mode to set. It can be one of the following: ltp, quote, full.

Method   Ticker.ReSubscribe

Resubscribe to all currently subscribed tokens. Used to restore all the subscribed tokens after successful reconnection.

Method   Ticker.EnableReconnect

Enable WebSocket autreconnect in case of network failure/disconnection.

Argument Type Description
Interval Int32 Interval between auto reconnection attemptes. onReconnect callback is triggered when reconnection is attempted.
Retries Int32 Maximum number reconnection attempts. Defaults to 50 attempts. onNoReconnect callback is triggered when number of retries exceeds this value.

Method   Ticker.DisableReconnect

Disable WebSocket autreconnect.

Method   Utils.StringToDate

Convert string to Date object

Argument Type Description
obj String Date string.

Returns: Date object/

Method   Utils.JsonSerialize

Serialize C# object to JSON string.

Argument Type Description
obj Object C# object to serialize.

Returns: JSON string/

Method   Utils.JsonDeserialize

Deserialize Json string to nested string dictionary.

Argument Type Description
Json String Json string to deserialize.

Returns: Json in the form of nested string dictionary.

Method   Utils.ParseCSV

Parse instruments API's CSV response.

Argument Type Description
Data String Response of instruments API.

Returns: CSV data as array of nested string dictionary.

Method   Utils.StreamFromString

Wraps a string inside a stream

Argument Type Description
value String string data

Returns: Stream that reads input string

Method   Utils.AddIfNotNull

Helper function to add parameter to the request only if it is not null or empty

Argument Type Description
Params Collections.Generic.Dictionary{String:Object} Dictionary to add the key-value pair
Key String Key of the parameter
Value String Value of the parameter

Method   Utils.SHA256

Generates SHA256 checksum for login.

Argument Type Description
Data String Input data to generate checksum for.

Returns: SHA256 checksum in hex format.

Method   Utils.BuildParam

Creates key=value with url encoded value

Argument Type Description
Key String Key
Value Object Value

Returns: Combined string

Class   WebSocket Class

A wrapper for .Net's ClientWebSocket with callbacks

Method   WebSocket Constructor

Initialize WebSocket class

Argument Type Description
BufferLength Int32 Size of buffer to keep byte stream chunk.

Method   WebSocket.IsConnected

Check if WebSocket is connected or not

Returns: True if connection is live

Method   WebSocket.Connect

Connect to WebSocket

Method   WebSocket.Send

Send message to socket connection

Argument Type Description
Message String Message to send

Method   WebSocket.Close

Close the WebSocket connection

Argument Type Description
Abort Boolean If true WebSocket will not send 'Close' signal to server. Used when connection is disconnected due to netork issues.

Method   System.ExceptionExtensions.Messages

Returns a list of all the exception messages from the top-level exception down through all the inner exceptions. Useful for making logs and error pages easier to read when dealing with exceptions. Usage: Exception.Messages()