
W, [2016-06-23T09:27:20.437501 #17907] WARN -- : ===== curl body: {"instrument_type"=>"FUT", "transaction_type"=>"SELL", "tradingsymbol"=>"BEML16JULFUT", "exchange"=>"BSE", "order_type"=>"LIMIT", "product"=>"NRML", "quantity"=>500, "price"=>852.15, "validity"=>"DAY", "orderable_id"=>1956, "orderable_type"=>"StockOrder", "trxn_resp"=>nil, :api_key=>"xxxx", :access_token=>"xxxx"}

but i got error: {"status"=>"error", "message"=>"Trading Symbol Doesn't exist for the exchange", "error_type"=>"OrderException"}

can you tell me the cause of error?
  • Kailash
    Exchange should be: NFO
  • dhavalp
    Thanks Kailash. Now I have observed omething. the market depth by the socket API and on the website (dashboard) seems to be a bit difference i mean around say by couple of seconds is that possible? I mean I am observing that constantly since 2 days atleast id not get check before
  • Kailash
    Hm, @dhavalp that's strange. Both connections are from your local machine to the same socket endpoint. Are you using the Python client?
  • dhavalp
    hi kailash

    i m using websockets api coded in ruby. high end server. so that should not be an issue.
  • Kailash
    @dhavalp Machine configuration should not be an issue. I'm unable to comment on the Ruby WebSocket lib, but it could be something there.
  • dhavalp
    Thats OK I dont want the lib but this problem surely occurs Its happening on continuous basis.
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