Unable to place_order

I am new to KiteConnect and tried the follwoing for login and test place order by python shell. bot getting following errors. Please suggest.

  • kapilacad
    The discussion can be closed, issue sorted.

    I was using older version of kiteconnect i.e. kiteconnect-3.6.2.tar in which place_order was missing. Now installed new version pykiteconnect-kite3. and its working fine.

    In case you are using wrong version that can be traced simply by the login url generated:

    Old Version URL form the expired kiteconnect module:
    Right URL for right module (Pikiteconnect: kite 3 branch):

    The v=3 is missing in the URL in the old module installed.

    Please make it sure to install right version.

    Thanks to the development team

This discussion has been closed.