sample project

can i get a sample script/project which simply takes data from market feeders, and a simple strategy implemented to start with.

  • Imran
    placing limit orders and waiting to get it filled can be frustrating
    so we made this program
    just enter the stock symbol , price and buy price in a excel ...
    as soon as price reaches the level the program will automatically buy for us

    1. it does not block your margin until the prices reaches ....
    2. you can enter at best price levels... so eliminating emotional hurry to enter in a trade
    3. no need to continuously watch the screen to keep checking if the price has reached
    4. immediate order execution

    For any queries contact: [email protected]

    from kiteconnect import KiteConnect
    from kiteconnect import KiteTicker
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta

    import logging;
    import openpyxl;
    import datetime,time,os;

    exel_data = {}
    exel_data format :

    kws = "";
    kite = "";

    def get_login(api_k,api_s):
    global kws,kite;
    kite = KiteConnect(api_key=api_k)

    print("[*] Generate access Token : ",kite.login_url())
    request_tkn = input("[*] Enter Your Request Token Here : ");

    data = kite.generate_session(request_tkn, api_secret=api_s)
    kws = KiteTicker(api_k, data["access_token"])

    api_k = "xxxxxxxxxx";
    api_s = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

    trd_capital = int(input("[*] Enter Trading Capital (eg. 10000, 25000) : "));
    sltmp = float(input("[*] Enter Stoploss (eg. 2, 2.5) : "));
    tptmp = float(input("[*] Enter Square Off (eg. 3, 3.5) : "));


    def initialize_from_exel(ws):
    i = 1;
    sheet = openpyxl.load_workbook('buy.xlsx').active
    while sheet.cell(i,1).value!=None:
    d1 = (sheet.cell(i,1).value).split("/")
    d1[1] = int(d1[1])
    d2 = float(sheet.cell(i,2).value)
    d3 = (sheet.cell(i,3).value)
    d4 = (sheet.cell(i,4).value)

    d4 = exel_data[d1[1]][3]
    d5 = exel_data[d1[1]][4] #is trade is placed by program
    exel_data[d1[1]] = [d1[0],d2,d3,True if d4==1 else False,d5]
    except Exception as e:
    print("[+] Adding ",d1[0]," to List")
    exel_data[d1[1]] = [d1[0],d2,d3,True if d4==1 else False,True]


    def do_buy_sell(instrument_token,company_data):
    global exel_data;
    global trd_capital,sltmp,tptmp;
    global kite;

    d = exel_data[instrument_token];
    if d[2]=='BUY' and d[3] and d[4]:
    quant = int(trd_capital//company_data['last_price']);
    sl = sltmp/quant
    tp = tptmp/quant
    if d[1]>=company_data['last_price']: #buy
    kite.place_order(tradingsymbol=d[0],price=company_data['last_price'],variety=kite.VARIETY_BO,exchange=kite.EXCHANGE_NSE,transaction_type=kite.TRANSACTION_TYPE_BUY,quantity=quant,squareoff=tp, stoploss=sl,order_type=kite.ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT,product=kite.PRODUCT_BO)
    exel_data[instrument_token][4] = False;
    print("BUY",quant," OF ",d[0]," ON TIME ",company_data['timestamp']," AT PRICE ",company_data['last_price']);

    if d[2]=='SELL' and d[3] and d[4]:
    quant = int(trd_capital//company_data['last_price']);
    sl = sltmp/quant
    tp = tptmp/quant
    if d[1]<=company_data['last_price']: #sell
    kite.place_order(tradingsymbol=d[0],price=company_data['last_price'],variety=kite.VARIETY_BO,exchange=kite.EXCHANGE_NSE,transaction_type=kite.TRANSACTION_TYPE_SELL,quantity=quant,squareoff=tp, stoploss=sl,order_type=kite.ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT,product=kite.PRODUCT_BO)
    exel_data[instrument_token][4] = False;
    print("SELL",quant," OF ",d[0]," ON TIME ",company_data['timestamp']," AT PRICE ",company_data['last_price']);

    def on_ticks(ws, ticks):
    global kite;

    if int(time.time())%15==0:

    for company_data in ticks:
    except Exception as e:

    def on_connect(ws, response):

    # Assign the callbacks.

    kws.on_ticks = on_ticks
    kws.on_connect = on_connect

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