Trading Symbols for Invits , REITS, GB

When placing the orders for INVITS or REITS our application is just sending the trading symbol (Example: IRBINVIT, EMBASSY) which is same as NSE, but the orders get failed.

We came across this by placing order using small case by symbol sending the symbol as: IRBINVIT which got execute via Zerodha and the symbol we have seen is IRBINVIT-IV. so, my assumption is we are appending the series to the symbol is working.

can you please confirm if this is correct, and can you let us know for what all series this has to be done?

  • themohammedfaisal
    Hey @rajeshpoddaturi
    If you look at the instruments dump, you will notice that the trading symbol carries the series in the name, for all non-EQ series (like -IV, -GB, etc). For BSE, it doesn't.

    On smallcase, you would have probably placed the order in BSE or smallcase has been editing the tradingsymbol on their end

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