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  • dckKtConnect
    I have sold some Index options on Friday. My "positions" box, when I view on kite, correctly shows these positions that I am currently holding. But when I use Excel "GetPositions" procedure, the dashboard sheet doesn't show these positions. Therefore, I am unable to make queries in my algo about these position that I am holding. I have to manually check if I am still holding these positions because these positions do not exist for my algorithm. Please help.
    August 2022
  • RN4602
    In Kitexl GetRTD function not working only zeroes are shown averywhere.I do no know even ABC of progamming.Please help!
    May 2022
  • pooranio
    Can I get 20 depth market data to link to excel...also excel should change values according to the market depth values changes very second...(Real-time) can u please help me with this.. what are the requirements I need for this
    March 2020
  • himanshu23674
    not able to login using kitexl ....

    says u r blocked , contact howutrade ...

    i just paid 2000 for api today ...
    February 2020
    • HowUTrade
      Hi Himanshu
      Pls check the below link
  • impratikthakkar
    Orders not getting placed. Please help ASAP.
    July 2019
  • impratikthakkar
    What is the redirect url to be used for KiteNet?
    July 2019
  • HowUTrade changed their profile picture.
    March 2019
  • HowUTrade changed their profile picture.
    March 2019
  • ZZ8030

    I want to modify BO sl orders.
    I found order id, parent order id and exchange order id in order book. Which order id should I use with "ModifyBOSl(OrderId, TrgPrice)" function. I tried with all the three order numbers but got errors like "Order is not a BO Stoploss order", "OrderId is not found". Please reply.
    January 2019
  • HAs
    Dear Sir,
    I want ohlc data for 15 minutes for 10 to 10:15 or 12 to 12:15 for current day in excel, Please guide me

    which formula will help me to do the same. I am stuck.. stragy is candle open price is less or greater than certain level, then buy or sell.

    Looking for your help desperately..
    November 2018
  • HAs
    please help to get ohlc 30 minutes for candle..
    October 2018
  • shiv1947
    I want to get amibroker connected with kiteconnect. Please help.
    October 2018
  • ambuj85
    hi, I am not getting LTP from the RTD server in the cells, is there ant issue going with the RTD server ??
    August 2018
  • HAs
    Hi , Facing issue in Kite XL , firing repeated orders please guide me how to fire single order at time..
    August 2018
  • jogisant_kite
    I have already installed dot net API for Upstox AND NOW would like to install dot net API for KITE as well.

    Kindly share if both could be installed on same machine and if both share same terminology for methods, events, properties.

    I am planning to have both the accounts , kindly share the correct procedure and caution points if any

    June 2018
    • HowUTrade
      Hi Rahul,

      You can run KiteNet and UpstoxNet simultaneously in the same computer.
      ~99% of the Methods/Properties/Events are same in both DLL.

      Few notable differences
      KiteNet ------ UpstoxNet

      Order Status
      COMPLETE ------ complete
      CANCELLED ------ cancelled
      REJECTED ------ Rejected

      Order Types
      MARKET ------ M
      LIMIT ------ L

      Order Variety
      Regular ------ Simple
      BO ------ OCO

      Product Type
      MIS ------ I
      CNC ------ D
      NRML ------ D

      BO takes Trail in Points where as OCO takes as Ticks

      Refer KiteNet doc for more details
  • xh2025XH
    Hi, while login KiteXL, I am getting ExcelTS error as “Value cannot be null”. Can you please help me here?

    May 2018
  • paramsc
    How Can I increase the limit for the number of securities to more than 500 ? I am okay with the quotes being delayed, I mainly use it for monitoring prices only.

    Also currently I am only able to view the price of SBIN, if I add any other security it says that maximum number of securities reached, try unsubscribing.

    Kindly let me know what I can do.
    May 2018
  • chiragkeswani
    I have downloaded the KiteNet file. I see the KiteXL file is a protected file. I cannot add additional rows or do some changes until it is unprotected. Can you let me know how do I unprotect the file, what is the password?
    April 2018
    • HowUTrade
      The default password is 1234.
      It is protected through VBA (Check workbook module), you can remove it.
  • zeeshan

    I am using the kitxl, to place cover orders. i am able to successfully place cover orders, but while exiting a cover order, i am not able to do it, as i am unable to fetch parentorderid, to exit the co.

    i can see the parentorderid, in the order book, after i update it, but its difficult for me, to fetch it from there, and then use it to exitco function, as per my sell triggers.

    please help me out with it.

    Thank you,
    November 2017