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  • DV3508
    Hi Shaha
    I am getting some Login issue in API
    Can you help me to resolve it??
    i will pay you for the services.
    January 2019
    • Shaha
      Too old comment. Sure it would have been resolved by now. And now u would have been stucked at some other place.. isn't it?
  • riteshkrsaxena
    On your below comments, I would like to know how much does it cost for the transaction/exchange and other charges? Please let me know charges for executing 400 trades per day ?

    I am creating live 1Min candles for over 400 instruments daily, from tick data. The tick data processing takes just few micro seconds. And the candles are ready to be used anywhere in my code. If you use python effectively at data structure level, you will be able to make it. No latency no overheads. Give it a try, go deeper into it, you will find a solution that suits your requirement. Stay away from "easy to use" but "resource intensive" libraries and features.
    October 2018
    • Shaha
      I hope u might have already figured out from zerodha brokerage calculator. If not message me on telegram
  • ManishGupta
    Hi Shaha,

    I saw your post on a forum where you said you are creating live 1Min candles for over 400 instruments daily, from tick data and that too without significant delay. Will it be possible for your to share the code for generating 1min candle live? I am new to programming and finding it very difficult to do these things. OR if you can guide how I can do this. Thanks in advance.
    June 2018
    • Shaha
      Read that article over and over again. U will make it.