I am facing the same issue when i am passing 300 instruments in Websocket, while converting data from tick data to 5 mins, among 300 50% of instruments was not forming 5 mins data of whole day
E.g. from 09:15 to 3:25 we should get 76 records…
Binary data means how to do the conversion in PHP, any examples can you please provide guideline how to convert data from binary to what object and how to extract only LTP
Any idea which API is will be used for getting 300 instruments to form OHLC
Hey Team
Actually that’s my application only i thought of seeing the data by retrieving data from Kite Websocket which i subscribed with logic in attached screenshot
Hey i did the payment and recieved the payment confirmation from razor pay but that credits was not reflecting in zerodha how i can contact to zerodha and get the things sort it out?