Thank you - I will try this out.
My question : if my condition (say ltp > 100 ) met - what is the clean way to stop the websocket thread. I dont want to keep alive the websocket thread once I am done with my trading.
I am not passing any segment1 - as my expectation is to get margin for both segments - API reference says -
def margins( self, segment=None)
Get account balance and cash margin details for a particular segment.
segment is the trading segment (eg: …
Can you please let me know which are valid instruments - I tried "RELIANCE", "NSE:RELIANCE", "NSE-RELIANCE" - all are giving same error . I am able to fetch OHLC data with "NSE:RELIANCE " - is naming convention of historical data is different. Where…
below is the logs - I masked the authorization token
Jul 27, 2020 3:52:58 PM okhttp3.internal.platform.Platform log
INFO: --> GET…