I'm able to figure out the reason for rejection, that's not what's troubling me. All I wanted to know is why are rejected orders not being displayed on the kite web interface.
@nithin thanks a lot for posting this link here.
Do you think that the new tick by tick data bit (Annexure 2) introduced this year will result in increase in the number of ticks zerodha receives from the NSE, and will it subsequently result in in…
@HowUTrade do you represent zerodha on this forum officially??
and why was @sujith trying to mislead traders by saying " Yes, we don't limit tick frequency." when you mentioned that you clearly do ??
And any plans for the Kite api to match up to t…
If you don't limit any ticks on ur end you , by this >>> "up to 1 tick per second" you want to say that BSE is sending at the max just 1 tick per second ??
NSE details its products into different categories in here - https://www.nseindia.c…
" But rarely NSE sends two ticks per second." : so by this do you mean that the kite connect server is not limiting any tick frequency it all depends on the NSE ??
and what about the other exchanges like BSE ??
I copied it and ran it. It stopped again after a few minutes. Coz the market is not open right now so I just got one tick while it ran. Log file was created but it was empty with nothing in it. I'll run it again in the morning when the markets open …
You can look at the code at https://gist.github.com/anonymous/4c2d37bbde3baa86bda4843b6f8f0b6f
Its almost a copy of the kite webinar script I saw on YouTube .
"Process finished with exit code 0" this is what it says at the end . I get almost a 100 ticks before it stops.
If you want i can give u a copy of my code.
I did some searching for the issue on this forum and found this https://kite.trade/forum/d…
100 tokens?? I have only subscribed to about 50 tokens. Is this why the streaming is stopping automatically. The streaming stops because the process gets completed which should never happen as kite.connect () should be an infinite loop (as it says o…