Yup, just sending a long array, I'm able to receive ticks with the new tokens (until the market closed ofcourse).
Do Instrument tokens change, and how often do they change? Would you recommend deriving instrument tokens from trading symbols rather…
Oh, The 'L' is just there to initialise the array of Long values (your tokens are a list of Longs aren't they)
The way I got the tokens is
List nseInstruments = kiteClient.getInstruments("NSE");
for(Instrument instrument: nseInstruments){
Ticker gets connected, no exceptions, there is just no tick data.
Got the tokens from NSE instruments and collated the list.
NIFTY_50_TOKENS = new Long[]{22L,15083L,1270L,236L,275L,5900L,16669L,4668L,10604L,438L,2181L,526L,694L,20374L,881L,910L,4…