If you want to check just the high price in cash market look at api from yfinance or alphavatange. Sort by max "high" column on 1 min data and you'll have day high while day is in progress.
Please check if NSE trade freeze is in place https://support.zerodha.com/category/trading-and-markets/margin-leverage-and-product-and-order-types/articles/what-is-f-o-execution-range-and-why-do-some-open-orders-outside-f-o-execution-range-get-cancel…
What we have experienced is that calling kiteTicker.connect(threaded=True) first time starts the ticker in separate thread as expected.
However when we call kiteTicker.connect() second time to run ticker in main thread, it is starting it in separ…
In the example shared can you please explain why do we need to write two on_tick functions.
Also, how will the last line get executed while the main thread is in an infinite loop?
Sorry to ask silly question but wanted to know this
Indeed we do some computations onside on_tick callback but those are for just pnl calculation which is basic arithmatic and some sleep in certain scenarios like checking the status of a recent order.
What we want is to run tickers in both threaded a…
Also when using the ticker in threaded mode, how to do the error handling as it is a different thread
Is there any functionality to add callback on exception similar to
concurrent.futures.add_done_callback where we can check the error and …