Here this is happening right now @rakeshr
API error for ticker at mainscan : HGS
Unknown Content-Type (text/html) with response: (b"504 Gateway Time-out\nThe server didn't respond in time.\n\n")
API error for ticker at mainscan : SAPPHIRE
Unknown C…
nahi bhai. I am calling for data at 9.20 to check the 9.15 candles. So rather than the premarket open, I just want the candles open. Why is this so different and difficult for no reason? FFS. Its basic stuff, and all I get is linked to things.
I have not been able to check it in the live market yet but when pulling data after market hours I get today's data as well i.e the last closed candle.
The question is whether or not when running it in live market do we get the last closed candle …
This is how I am calling for data
def fetchOHLC(ticker,interval,duration):
instrument = instrumentLookup(instrument_df,ticker)
data = pd.DataFrame(kite.historical_data(instrument,,