@rakeshr Hi Rakesh,
I have followed the thread, I understand the request token, I have opened the login.url() in browser and got the request token, but when I supplied the request token, I am getting the error.
#python kconnect.py
here is what I found, in that thread, I took an example of PNB. How can these values used to caluclate leverage.
what are the below listed values mean? Can they be used to caluclate leverage while placing CO/BO Orders
Hi @sujith,
Thanks for the quick reply, If below is the order I placed for CO BUY INFY.
What should be my order to square it
order_id = kite.order_place(tradingsymbol="INFY",exchange="NSE",quantity=10,trigger_price=923,variety="co",transaction_type…