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  • Yes, the ticks on Sentinel are not update live as this platform is open for all and exchange regulations prevent from showing real time data to non customers. Although, on Sentinel you can get the data for the stock at that instant of you clicking t…
  • Looks like your container image doesn't have support for establishing an SSL connection. You need to install ca-certificates in your container image. If you are using Alpine, you can do something like this in your Dockerfile: RUN apk update &&a…
  • Kalakaar, This can be achieved using Sentinel. On Sentinel, you can create an Advanced Trigger. You can use the function DayChangePercent and combine multiple stock conditions with it. You can also attach this trigger condition to a basket of order…
  • @Souvick Yeah, that's because there is no method available in KiteConnect with the name request_access_token. You should be actually using it like: kite.generate_session("request_token_here", api_secret="your_secret") Read the documentation for more…
  • You need to URL encode & as a safe character which can be used in query params. If you're using Python, you can yourself check the URL encoded equivalent of &: In [31]: import urllib In [32]: urllib.parse.quote_plus('&') Out[32]: %26 S…