@sujith @rakeshr thank you for fixing this. really helps.
The prev day close is off. for eg; JAPAN225, the quote is
[GLOBAL:JAPAN225] => stdClass Object
[instrument_token] => 400905
yes, that's what happened. holding defaults to BSE, while I keep my depth view of NSE. so when i tried to sell using holdings>exit, it picks BSE. been in the market for so long and still get hit by a curve ball
thank you
@rakeshr , why, thank you for your reply. but, sir, which order history? no where is any error given. its literally saying "status:success".
the status_message is blank
this is the order placement response
2022-10-13 09:56:41 Response :{"status":…
@sujith I went through the thread, I couldn't find the answer to what went wrong when trying to modify quantity. Do I need to include `trigger price` field?
I wish the Z documentation was worth anything. I have been here since 2018, and somethings I…
my first thought would be npm, async function
but since you are using python, and i assume you use websocket to get data, launch threads? but still in python it might get heavy. so in that case i would space the checks per stock 1 second apart. mea…
@SRIJAN I initiated the debug. In php the debug messages are echoed out. I went into the kiteconnect.php file, edited it to pipe the messages to a file.
In python, kiteconnect is installed via pip. if I wanted to do the same thing in python, ie, pi…
@sujit @SRIJAN , thank you very much for such a detailed answer. I will go through all the links again. I didn't have debug initiated before. I will run it in debug mode now. If I run into any problems I will ask.
@sujith i use php to send orders, my function is;
//send order
catch(exception $e)
return $e->getMessage();
I never had a problem so never really created a detailed log for order related …
@sujith thank for your reply.
I capture the order status through the websocket onOrder function. In my above log, the status message 'OPEN' is the latest status message at the time. Looking at the log of the status message;
220808100101248, BANKNI…
tick data is thrown when there is a new transaction. a order got executed, a new order was placed, an order was cancelled. if there is no new transaction, what is the point of a tick?
now consider, a new transaction got complete WHILE you were rece…
@rakeshr thanks for your reply.
my ticks work fine. when they work, lol, z-feeds are super unstable . Yesterday it was Jio doesn't support cloudfare dns. there always seems to be some issue. i can't step away from the computer without the computer…
volume is volume traded today since i'm lookin for date volume, not cumulative n days volume data
volume by definition is "Volume is the number of shares or contracts traded in a security or an entire market during a given period of time. " since th…
i'm guessing you are looking at ltp. try looking at market depth, ask/bid how many are available at that time. i feel it would be best to get market depth upto 20, to see position build-up, z-feed has depth upto 5, besides handling depth of 20 is cr…
@rakeshr thanks for your reply.
I knew the instrument tokens are valid only for the life of the options, ~3month. here it was reassigned within its life cycle. now am i to understand that instrument token is valid only for a day and it can be re-…
@HowUTrade thanks again!!
it all makes sense now.
incase anyone ever reads this and wonders what it means. the 'institution' show long position and use the leverage for all sorts of mayham intraday. they just have to tally it at end of day. basica…
I have been getting big differences in z-feed and nse day end files. Obviously I thought Z-feed goofed up. (my apologies @Nikhil.A if I sounded ticked off, I really didn't think the problem is with NSE) But something didn't feel right so…
@Nikhil.A even if what you say was correct, that would mean of the ~14 million futures that got traded the entire day, 2 million got traded in the last 3 minutes? 1.5 mil that was added OI got sold, and an additional 500k OI position got closed?
@HowUTrade super! thank you very much!
can I modify a partial filled order to 'MARKET' from 'LIMIT' ?
if so, when placing a 'MARKET' order, if the parameter array contains 'price=>0.00' or 'price=>123.50' will the price information be ignored…
@HowUTrade thank you!! that is exactly what i wanted to know.
In scenario 2,
Filled qty = 60
I send a modifyOrder(orderis=123, qty=>60) request
before it reaches the exchange 1 more unit gets filled, hence order id:123 has 61 filledQty
Here I…
@sujit bhai, i really appreciate you taking the to time to answer my questions.
but i don't know how i can be more clearer. My question is how to cancel partial filled order
to reiterate;
a) how do I cancel the pending quantity of a partially fil…
If I put in a order of XYZ script for 100 units in LIMIT, and 60 get filled.
Say the orderID is 123456.
if i do cancelOrder(123456).
the the pending 40 units will be marked 'CANCELLED', 60 units marked "FILLED", avgPrice=>(n1*price1 + n2*p…
if you have successfully gotten to $kite;
you'll see key, token etc values are already present. not needed for placeOrder().
If you trace the placeOrder() function to _request() function you'll see;
if ($this->api_key &&…
Do not use instrument token. instrument token numbers get re-assigned. A instrument token that is ABC18NOVFUT may be reassigned to XYZOption AFTER ABC18NOVFUT expires.
I don't know of any easy way to parse Z-Trading symbols.
I started my dat…
He is talking about catching all ticks for all symbol. The situation here is no ticks for a symbol. And also incorrect data on others.
I think the problem is you are treating options like equity and have no day-end ops of consolidation options dat…
In addition to the points mentioned above;
Quote for NFO:AUROPHARMA18APR500CE => empty
according to NSE Site
IO: 0
Bid Qty: 800
Bid Price 109.35
Quote for NFO:ADANIPORTS18APR270PE => empty
NSE Site
IO: 0
Ask Qty: 10000
Ask Price 3.00
From th…
Thanks for your reply.
What you say doesn't sound right. The ltp timestamp should atleast be from the day the contract opened. And a contract that shows open interest does not necessarily be traded that day, but still have open interest.
hi, thanks for the reply!
I meant the cued orders. that would be what is represented in market depth right? if so there would be cued buy and sell quantities on both sides on a price, yes?