@rakeshr all values available in zerodha api's? if yes what will be the request to get data, mainly volt,int_rate and div_yld.
spot = 8400;
strike = 8600;
expiry = "2016-12-01 23:59:00";
volt = 18;
int_rate = 7;
div_yld = 0;
Thanks. Last question even we consider historical data is for only backtest then why its different at 9: 15am and later update again in 15 minutes. Means historical data recived @9:15 is different when we request again at 9:30. Atleast historical …
Thanks for reply. What will be the situation on opening of the day. Which value we consider for open,high,low and close @9:15AM
Date Time Last Price Volume BuyQuantity SellQuantity Open High Low Close Timestamp LastTreadedTime
12/2/2019 5:30:00 3…