I know about this since last few days my IP based SSL has expired and I have stopped receving any updates on my postback since then.
BTW the post back you has been update to Domain based from many months by still kite is not picking up the correct U…
Hey @sujith a CA certificate is added with the domain name, i have updated the https://developers.kite.trade/apps/ setup to reflect the domain name with https, however on login zerodha still forwards to the older IP, how long does it take for all sy…
@sujith exactly my question when and why was this changed, cause this worked before so what changed now? besides on the "https://developers.kite.trade/" where the URL post back and login is setup, it does not mention domain names need, it just says …
Same issue faced, but not resolved, i dont see anything on post back url, i have even checked the access log but do not see any hit coming for that URL.
Something wrong and Support team responds by saying post the issue here to get a response.