@sujith as per this reply : https://tradingqna.com/t/for-zerodha-is-the-average-price-different-from-vwap/51768/3?u=gaurav_chandra and https://support.zerodha.com/category/trading-and-markets/kite-web-and-mobile/articles/what-does-the-average-price-…
@radharani1306 you can pass the tick details to other program using http or ajax or save in a common place like a db and let the other program poll the db to retrieve the data. If you are using the same language to develop as your websocket language…
@kartik2206 run the nodejs module server side. when you use npm install, it will install all the modules on the server. You can only use the angular 2 frontend to see the output. Approach it with same logic as any web application you develop. You ca…
OK, so I ditched fetching data using your kiteconnect library and switched to CURL based solution. That helped. I don't know why you guys have not given an option to download the data as a csv file or send the link to download the csv file at a late…
you need to run a cron job every minute. When you make an order, the api returns order id. Use that order id in cron to fetch the order details. There is a status as COMPLETE in the order details. If you find that, it means that the order has comple…
the access token is valid till 7:30 am the next day. If the system is asking for access token frequently, then there is either a bug or your code is not optimised.
It is fairly simple and documented here :https://kite.trade/docs/connect/v3/user/
Anyways, do this:
User will be sent to the login screen of kite for web. After logging into kite, the server will send the user back to the redirect url which you wi…
Phew. Thanks @sujith for the clarification. Put a tooltip below the date stating that it is per 30 days and not month as per month means that days are accounted for automatically. Almost all SaaS apps bill based on month and not days so it leads to …