Hey thanks for the response.
I am using the KiteConnect Library for Python.
Am I supposed to use the following callback to get postback messages? If so, is there any documentation or an example of how i can use it?
on_order_update(ws, …
yes as soon as i update the link on the console i get this message.
But i am not able to receive any messages related to orders. I have tried using postman to send json data and it works from that end.
Hey guys,
I am trying to set up the postback url as mentioned here. I get an error 404 not found and the request is not POST its coming as HEAD.
I have set up exactly like above using ngrok and flask app. I am able receive response made from oth…
Hey guys,
I was trying to work on the postback messages using the webhook method before I landed on this page..
Are you guys saying I can get messages for my order status using websocket? If so, where can I find more information on this. I have be…