I am sending the correct data format only. I am getting the ORDER ID as a success message delaying of 16 seconds.Help me how to sort this problem.
Dear Sujith,
I have tested in the POST man Client also the same 16 seconds delay when u hit a call.Kindly help me to solve this.. I am facing a very big problem...
I have tried these but I could n't solve this issue. Please help me.
Dear Sujith,
Thanks for your kind reply. I am not getting any error message else am getting a proper success message.{STATUS:SUCCESS,DATA:{ORDER_ID:200710002446622}}.
Today I am facing one Scenario,
I placed BUY call @ 22450 it is Executed but it …
Hi Sujith I got the order history details but the closing price value is 0.Kindly check it and let me know.
"price": 0..After I have placed my order why the price value 0