Hi Sujith,thank u for ur reply. Found the problem. The responce to the order book query according to api documentation is suppose to return the latest entry fitst. So if we parse the latest entry we get to know if peding qty is zero and avg price no…
Hi Sujith, thanks for the reply.
See i coded this but im out of station now and my wife has been using this code. Has never given this erro , but since yesterday this error comes up. As u can see im checking pending qty and avgprice from orderbook…
Hi same hap today also...
Tester Placing Order : /orders/co?api_key=xxx&access_token=xxx&tradingsymbol=ASTRAMICRO&exchange=NSE&transaction_type=BUY&quantity=5&product=CO&…
Hi this is trade history from q...
1 19-09-2017 09:54:35 NSE JUSTDIAL B 1 ₹414.70 1100000001287908 25498865
2 19-09-2017 10:58:10 NSE PNCINFRA S 5 ₹133.05 1200000001778871 50708042
Tester Placing Order : /orders/co?api_key=xxxxxxxx&access_token=xxxxxxxx&tradingsymbol=PNCINFRA&exchange=NSE&transaction_type=SELL&quantity=5&product=CO&validity=DAY&trigger_price=134.05|[10:58:10]
Tester Order Pl…
Hi sujith, can u give me how to detect these messages. I can check " {"t": " ie., first 5 bytes to detect this, this will be a workaround and my program will still fail is something like " {"X": " is encountered. so I guess "t" means terminal messag…