I am considering subscribing to historical data.
Can you confirm that you do not provide expired options data? Does that mean this data is available for 3 months at most. I might need to analyze expired options as well.
Is there an easy way to get…
@puneethmeister, there are many tutorials for multiprocessing using python on the web and pyhon documentation is good as well.
from multiprocessing import Process, Value, Manager
# Start separate process for quotes
p_ws = Process(target=init…
Hi Punith,
Have you tried using multiprocessing (not multiple threads)? You could run the websockets each in its own separate process where all you do is save the ticks to a shared memory dict. You can create a separate process to process these tic…
Does the reconnect help with Kite connection as well?
Sometimes, kite object gives gateway error or invalid token / session error even if no other connection is made to Pi/NEST.
I understand that now.
I see that even if I generate a new request token and then a access_token, it still says invalid token!
Is this clearly documented somewhere with the flows? (like if X happens, do Y) Did not find it in the existing d…
Resolved the invalid token problem, deleted all the cookies and temp files.
But it still requires me to provide a fresh token on every running of the script. Without a fresh token, the kiteconnect.exceptions.TokenException: Invalid token repeats.