@sujith, I had checked the server status on this link - https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/ But it said: "All Systems Operational".
Fetched above link from here: https://zerodha.com/marketintel/bulletin/325623/intermittent-connectivity-issue-on-kite
I had a telephonic conversation with Tech Support Team. What I now understand is LTP of a stock is different than the Close Price which is calculated by the exchange using the data from 3 pm to 3:30 pm. This price is not available even on the exchan…
I read through the article. I know there could be some discrepancies in the data during live hours for lower ticks. I also understand the process related to .bhav copy.
The data is not correct !
Either I am not able to convey the message OR you haven't got it. Please find some time to get into a call post market hours on Monday. I will walk you through the numbers or show it on my screen if possible.
The discrepancies between OHLC values in Watchlist and Chart during live trading hours is acceptable but not after such a long period (3 hours after closure). If you say the discrepancies will remain there, then they should remain different forever.…
Sujith, the OHLC data appears accurate in the watchlist any time after market closure but it is not on the chart and it is not from the Kite API output. Are you maintaining two databases, really? Notice the time I mentioned of the incorrect data - 7…
The question is., why the LTP shows correct value in watchlist and not on the chart and not from the Kite API at 7 pm, that is 3.5 hours after market closure?
As I mentioned above, the data appears corrected, on the next day morning. But It is supposed to be correct, the minute the market is closed as is the case with other portals. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE