kite people, Are you monitoring from external network ?, I have VPS from linode (mumbai region) and getting same disconnect errors at noon for last two days. So it's highly improbable that it's a network issue.
Same thing that I described in first comment again started around 12PM. Again reduced instruments listened to less than 100 and now the lag disappears. If it's going to be a dance that your servers do every day at 12PM from now on please let us know.
I am now subscribed to around 220 instruments and seems to be working smooth now. You either fixed software issue (if any) or provisioned additional capacity.
You should probably enforce hard limits on streaming if you can't handle the load.
At 75 instruments, I am getting smooth streaming with about 1 to 2 second lag. You should probably specify what are the maximum instruments that we can listen to without overloading your system.
Lag seems to be proportional to number of instruments/tokens that I am listening to. At lower token count lag stabilises but as the number of tokens increase lag keeps going out of control. If it's stabilising at lower token count and keeps increasi…