@Prem Ideally your program should store the access token centrally (database, redis etc) and access it whenever it needs. If the given access token throws TokenException then you should reinitiate the login and replace the old access token.
In this case you can use trailing stop loss value as 2 and your order stoploss value will be automatically modified based on the price movement.
If you want to modify manually then there will be two child order one LIMIT order for square off and o…
You should generate access token only once and use it to run your program multiple times. For example if you are running your strategy every five minutes then you should generate access token initially only once and use it in your program and run it…
@kartik.trade Fron Kite connect developers console enter your apps edit page and on right side you can see option to enable histroical for the given app.
@Prem Yeah we use last traded price to construct candles in Kite. We assume that LTP we received is for that second and form candles based on that. Ideally a strategy can be using both Historical and Websocket streaming, so its all depend on your s…
@apind81 Please check if you are using valid access_token. Please check documentation
Preceded by a 403 header, this indicates the expiry or invalidation of an authenticated session. This can be caused by the user logging out, a nat…
@pankajrb Can you please pm your access_token, api_key and user_id so that I can check here. Also make sure that you dont logout after generating the access token.
@22rostislav I just checked with valid access token and api key and it seems to be working fine. Please recheck if your access token and api key combination is right and user didn't logout from kite.
@prakash.jj Are you using any official client for streaming? Also sometime after market its possible that you get the first tick before even the mode ltp call is received. For example
ws.set_mode(ws.MODE_LTP, [738561])
You go…
@rsekar Its just a message you get here - https://api.kite.trade/ v2 represents the api version. But this shouldn't come as error message. Can you please paste your request and response log here?
@Prem Yes that's right. If you have enough credits it will keep on auto renewing till you exhaust all your credits. You can also connect zerodha account incase to avoid low balance.
@ishandutta2007 You are using sess_id which is not the request token. Open the redir_url in browser and complete the login process which will redirect you to the url which you have mentioned while creating the app.
@ishandutta2007 Check if your request_token is right and also you pasted right api secret of your app. As @Kailash explained in previous comments you will get request_token to your redirect url once you successfully authenticate and give permission…
Once you get access token you can use it untill next trading session or you manually logiut from kite. So ideally you can generate access token once in a day
@apind81 In positions response you get net quantity as field called quantity. Its negative if positions is short, positive if position is long and zero if its squared off.
@bingo The issue has been fixed in version 3.3. Please update your python client - https://kite.trade/forum/discussion/688/pykiteconnect-3-3-fix-for-market-depth-issue-and-proxy-support#latest
@fury1984 @botany02 The issue has been fixed in version 3.3. Please update your python client - https://kite.trade/forum/discussion/688/pykiteconnect-3-3-fix-for-market-depth-issue-and-proxy-support#latest
Here is an example - https://github.com/rainmattertech/javakiteconnect#websocket-live-streaming-data
You can list of instrument token throught /instruments call.
@prakash.jj We didn't find any issue with placing order with trailing stoploss. Can you please pm your api_key ? I will go through your api order logs and check if you are sending it right.
@asskg32 Please check if you are setting correct api_secret while exchanging request token for access token. It may also possible that you didn't use correct request token. Please make sure you have obtained request_token from the your redirect url …
@bingo Orders is total number of orders currently bid for the price. But we can see there is an issue here since total orders cannot exceed total quantities. We are checking the issue.
@sameer Candles api is for historical data and to use that you need to be subscribed to Kite connect api anyway which supports streaming and orders api.
@suraj Its an optional param and you don't have to modify your code unless you would like to use it. By default tab will be null in your orders response if you don't set it.
@yolo Yeah for now chart data is adjusted till 5th oct and we do periodical update to the data so it might take some time before data gets adjusted if stock splits happens.
@abhishek01 These are the available NSE indices
NIFTY 100,
LIX 15,
1. We are about to release our official JAVA client but till then you can use ZStreamingQuote for live streaming.
2. We do provide live data and historical data.
3. Yes you have to create an app to get access token and public token which costs Rs.20…
@dummydost If checksum and request token is correct then most probably request token is expired. Once request token is generated it expires in 5 minutes so you should make requests before that.
@dummydost If you are using full mode then per scrip its 168 bytes per tick but you don't get data every second for illiquid scrips. In your case lets say all 100 scrips are ticking per second then its around 60*60*6.5*168 bytes which is around 3.9m…
@sunil55tyagi I checked our logs and it seems that you are placing normal order and not BO. You are making POST request to /orders/ which ideally should be /orders/bo for placing BO orders. Please check the documentation here for order placing.