Hi Sujith
Thanks for the prompt reply.
But it does not help me get over my issue. I know this method will address the issue but
I am actually UNABLE TO WRITE CODE to EXTRACT THE LAST STATUS from the Big response received.
Being little new to pytho…
There is no issue here when required parameters for the SL order have all been given.
But it was observed that SL order gets placed even if the PRICE parameter is set to NONE as can be seen from below code ...
I don't know whether this can be treat…
Tried Placing SL Order with all the parameters and it was OK as can be seen from the following -
>>> order_id=kite.place_order(variety='regular', exchange='NFO', tradingsymbol='NIFTY18JUNFUT',
transaction_type='BUY', quantity='75', product…
Correct Trading Symbol NIFTY18JUNFUT is used in the Command.
In fact I have noticed an anomaly as can be seen from the previous command which got rejected and the following code which actually placed an SL Order. Both orders use the same Trading Sy…