Hi Rakesh, the OI Data is not updated for the current date. It is getting updated the next day. Now assume, If I want to see the OI data after 3:30 pm till next day 9 15 am, The OI data is not updated. Please try to check the OI data of most of the …
Hi Rakesh, Please check today data for NIFTY23DEC20500CE. I am getting same OI on 20th as well as 21st dec 2023. Tomorrow If I will run the API it will give me correct result. Please check today.....
Hi Rakesh, when I am using header based auth then now I am getting error: {"status":"error","message":"Incorrect `api_key` or `access_token`.","data":null,"error_type":"TokenException"}LTP not available for NFO:BANKNIFTY23OCTFUT
Do you have php library [like kiteconnect] without composer and header based authentication. I am using kiteconnect 3.0 without composer but it uses query param based authentication. Since you have discontinued query based authentication, so its giv…
How to get this status_message. The complete response I am getting is the following array:
Array ( [status] => success [data] => Array (, [order_id] => 181016002539023 ) )
I am trying to print the response but not getting anything.
$order_id = $kite->placeOrder("regular", [
"api_key" => $api_key,
"access_token" => $access_token,
"tradingsymbol" => "INFY",
"exchange" => "NSE",
"quantity" =&…
Hi Sujith, I am not getting any status message [order ID or status]. Infact, I can not see my order when I am logging in to my account. When I am placing a manual order from kite then I can see that order in the kite. But this is not happening when …
I am not able to use kiteconnect API.Getting the following error:
Authentication failed: Invalid session credentials
Fatal error: Uncaught TokenException (403) 'Invalid session credentials' thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\kiteconnect.php on line 586
Yes. I am able to login and getting the request token and access token. Please find the code:
include "kiteconnect.php";
$kite = new KiteConnect("$api_key");
try {
$user = $kite->requestAccessToken("$request_token", "$secret_key");
Thanks Vivek for your prompt response. I have two quick questions...
Which file will be containing the Expired contract Token in the link mentioned above?
I would appreciate if you can provide me the way to fetch expired contract tokens for Exchange…
Thanks Kailash. I am able to pay for the historical data.
Please let me know how to get the tokens for expired contracts. I am able to get only LIVE contracts tokens.
While Login, I am getting the following error:
Authentication failed: Invalid session credentials
Fatal error: Uncaught TokenException (403) 'Invalid session credentials' thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\kiteconnect.php on line 529
Even though I am not L…