I have implemented threading in my own application. Question is...placeOrder method in class KiteConnect and any other subsequent method(s) that the placeOrder method might be using to send order to Zerodha Server....are these methods thread safe? …
FYI. In my situation, it is the same kind of order placed multiple times concurrently. Quantity may be different, rest everything, such as symbol, type, buysell, trigger, variety etc will be same.
I would think trigger transaction would execute immediately and would be sent to exchange ahead of those transactions which are pending for validation etc. Please, confirm 100%. Accuracy of answer is very important as the answer one way or other w…
Thanks. When I mentioned queue, I thought of OMS queue. In other words, within OMS, are there separate queues for triggered orders vs. original positional market orders? or is there one common FIFO queue? For example, in high volume situation, if…
By the way, Order ID 170615000749951 (date 06/15), which completed at 20:00:07 was placed when there was no volatility and it was placed around 20:00:01 or so, I believe. The delay in this could not be due to workload. Therefore, there must have b…
I Read the TradingQnA. Back to square one now. Please, see Sujith mentioning that a fix was done to OMS. What is that fix about? Tell me a but in detail so that I can think of its impact on performance. I myself am a computer engineer. I have …
Hi Sujith,
Glad to know that you identified and work was done to fix the same...I am not comfortable with your answer, though. I wish to trade 100 lots of crude tomorrow. If the problem persists, I will come down at least by 1 lac rupee. On the o…
Another concerning thing is - why order gets stuck and gets completed right at 20:00:07 irrespective of when order was placed after 8 PM. This is very serious issue. After I did a lot of asking for info at zerodha support, latest strange thing tha…
Happened with me too several on different dates then the date mentioned by Nisha. I tried to get timestamps of detailed order stages from [email protected] but nothing was provided. I had logged order placement time in my program so knew that th…