@sujith ,@admin, @rakeshr - I understood that I will get the tick when there is a change in data. But what I am not able to believe is that out of 2800 tickers from BSE only less than 50 stocks are changing every second. Don't think BSE is so illiqu…
Thanks @sujith , @admin , @rakeshr
I changed the mode to Full and I started getting the timestamp.
But still it is difficult to understand why only so less number of stocks are genering data for every tick. For BSE Tokesn about 2800 + I am gettin…
Ok Thanks @SRIJAN for your input.
Hi @sujith, @admin ,@rakeshshr Could you please help here. I am getting null values for last traded time and below is my code. 2nd Issue is that the number of ticks per second is less than 300 for 1700+ stock subsc…
@admin, @SRIJAN,@sujith - For the websocket data, I humbly think someone should look into it. I don't think that out of 2800 BSE stocks only 30 or so will be changing every second to generate tick data.
@admin , @SRIJAN - please see my code below, I am looping through the ticks getting a single tick in each iteration and calling function on it. Don't think it is wrong. And also it is returning last traded price correctly.
public void onTi…
Also when I added the BSE stocks also to the webstock, the total number of stocks subscribed became about 4500. Still only 300 to 400 ticks are being received.
I have gone through the link above and I understood this concept.
But still it is difficult to believe that out of 1700 + stocks of nse only a 300 to 400 are getting updated once a second. I understand the snapshot data concept but still every 1 se…
@admin - please share if there is any existing thread that is having detailed info about how java websocket works that I can use to set my expectations correctly.
When I query my holdings, it shows a exchange mapped to it. Also since the tickers are different for the same stock in different exchanges, it causes an issue. But anyways, thanks for looking into this.