after 13:13 data i got 16:26 data
There was no issue on our side with Quote APIs. Maybe you can check the logs at your end, regarding the failed requests, etc.
As, the documentation mentions continuous data works for NFO and MCX futures contracts.
SENSEX24816FUT (218478597), BFO
This is a BFO exchange contract.
So continuous does not apply to all futures but only monthly futures? Weekly futures are exclude…
Dividend prices are added to the adjusted stock price or subtracted?
It is adjusted as per the exchange circular. You can refer to a recent dividend circular here.
orders with TTL limit of 20 min are not getting cancelled automatically.
Custom TTL validity is not allowed in Order placement APIs. The allowed TTL are same as showed in the kite web Order UI.
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: token apikey:accessToken' \
--header 'X-Kite-Version: 3'
I just tried the same Quote request(sample Curl above), and it's working fine.
ReadTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=7)
Is timeout coming only for specific tokens? Can you paste here those token/tokens.
Maybe try it out with some active tokens.
I am not getting refresh token after generating the session. I want to regenerate access token.
You will need to generate request_token, and use it to generate access_token. Go through the login flow documentation here.
The access token is valid for…
Connection error: 0 - error parsing request
You will need to clean up your subscription token list and ensure that it consists of integers with no white spaces in the list.
for x in range (3,1305):
name = sht.range('A'+str(x)).value
if name == None:
token = sht.range('E' + str(x)).value
Can you check, if you are not sending any invalid token?
Since today morning Kiteticket seems to be not threading (Not working)
Everything is fine at our end for kiteconnect ticker/websocket stream. Just tried, an threaded example, and it's working fine. Can you paste here the complete error stack trace/…
I am trying to get my old trades/ orders
By old orders, do you mean historical orders placed before today?
Kiteconnect provides today's placed orders in orders API. We don't have APIs for historical orders. Go through the FAQs and documentation here.
ERROR:kiteconnect.ticker:Connection error: 0 - Server is shutting down
When did this happen? Can you paste here the timestamp log?
Can i put reconnect=True when i initialize kiteticker sending the apikey and token and it will reconnect?
Yes, it will…
instrument_token : 505737
1. message is incorrect
It will throw an invalid token error message, which is correct, as there are no active instrument with instrument_token: 505737.
2. why data is not available
Because you are using an invalid instrume…
I am using Historical data and API. Many Times, getting error when extracting them outside market hours.
Is there any specific time, where in you daily Refresh the same?
Yes, we do BOD(Beginning of the day process including flushing older active acc…
No, there is no different API to fetch historical data for the list of instruments. You will need to iterate through the list, and make historical API call. Make sure to be within the rate limit. Go through the historical data FAQs here.
it is working fine in version V4.2.0( Just 5 to 10 seconds). at any time.Please have a lookk and fix it
As I mentioned before, there are no changes to fix.
can you subscribe for whole option chain and try it.
There are many systems that do it. You n…
I doubt have you introduced any queue concept in websocket?
No, no changes in the ws implementation. You can go through the version change log here.
I just tried the time lag between exchange time and system time for NIFTY 50 index(256265) on the la…
For the month of April-2024, kite data is not matching with NSE and TradingView data
Data was adjusted for the extraordinary dividend of 45 on MPSLTD. We adjust historical data for corporate actions to enhance analysis. Bonus, split, right issue, sp…
Everyday , i need to do login twice or thrice in order to make the LTP or Profile API work
Make sure, you do not have multiple sessions active. Go through the login FAQs here.
if I download at around 6 AM, will I get incorrect data 1 day ? will I get incorrect data for previous day 1 min ohlc ?
Yes, you can fetch previous day data.
we were running our script to download historical data from kite, but at around 3:00 AM, the script gave error saying the access token has been expired.
Yes, End of the Day(EOD) process runs post mid-night. You won't be able to access API in the men…
Would it show up in the 'var' field like it does for equity CNC orders or in the 'additional', 'span', or 'exposure' fields?
It will show under the additional field.
kc.getPositions seems to get stuck returning old data for unrealised & realised profit, last_price
P&L and LTP are not updated in real-time in the holdings and positions. Go through the positions FAQs.
I am consistently facing a delay of around 5-10 seconds.
Make sure, you are not blocking the main ticker thread with any computations, and also on the good network connection. I just spawned and tried this, it doesn't seem to be any noticeable diffe…
Will there be any limit for call function or i can get information every second ? Kindly update update on this. ?
It's an websocket stream so that you will get tick stream as the exchange stream. Go through the websocket stream FAQs here.
How to mak…
NHIT 543385
RRML 539837
You are using an exchange token instead of an instrument token. Go through the documentation here.
Can i place one cancels others orders for intraday derivatives positions?
No, only NRML order types can be used in GTT OCO for index futures and options.
Go through the article here.
The live market feed is updating very slowly. Updating just once in every 10 seconds.
Are you blocking the main ticker thread by some operations? Go through the websocket FAQs here.
You are using the wrong exchange name for BANKEX contracts. The exchange should be BFO. Get all instrument-related details from the instrument list.
requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
It looks like an unhandled error at pykiteconnect. If you can paste the complete debug log, it will be helpful.
You can also handle it at your end, by a failover retry.
For an example, for NSE:JITFINFRA stock when we get data for 2017 to 2020, we will notice that the data (attached) for 2017-02-27 to 2018-11-30, the datetimes are not standard (i.e. time is not 00:00:00) and different time nearly every day!
Yes, th…
if I define the on_order_update method in all three of them, would I get the same update on all three of them?
Yes, all WebSocket are independent, and you will receive updates on all spawn websockets(max allowed 3 connections for each API user).
the indices had the instrument_type of 'IN', where as now it's instrument_type has been changed to 'EQ' which is same as that of equity, and segment = INDICES.
Yes, as @MAG highlighted. There has been no change in the instrument list fields includin…
Thank you for highlighting this. We made a few changes to remove pre-market and post-market data for intraday requests, which resulted in this specific edge case missing for day intervals with hour, minute, and second timestamps. This has been addre…
While fetching historic data, i get this error, HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=7)
Is it getting timed out for specific instruments/exchange? Or it's for all historical API requests
How do i pass t…
You need to request with the correct start and end day. If you are looking for current-day data, you need to send to date as next day.
exit order, it is sending same charge like entry order's charges.
For SELL, it would be the same like BUY. If you are looking for hedge positions(combination of orders), you should feed order correctly in the sequence.
FromDate:=New DateTime(2024, 6, 28, 0, 0, 0), ToDate:=New DateTime(2024, 6, 28, 0, 0, 0)
You are sending same From and To param. You need to send correct From and To Date params.
The Tick object received from ticker market watch web socket api has OHLC value that refer to previous day OHLC
No. Are you referring to timings before market open or after market open?
Before market open, OHLC will be from the previous trading day.…
I'm using three tickers for kite and running in thread
No, you don't need to initiate ticker for each instrument. You can subscribe to a list of instruments in a single ticker up to 3000.
My ticker getting disconnected three of four times in a day w…
Connection error: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (I dropped the WebSocket TCP connection: close reason without close code)
Go through the Python websocket FAQs here.
there is a difference in charts for OHLC of just the first candle
During the starting minutes of the market open, there will be higher volume in the ticks received. So, you need to consume it correctly, with no deadlocks. You can also log ticks to d…
{"status":"error","message":"Incorrect `api_key` or `access_token`.","data":null,"error_type":"TokenException"}
Was this access_token generated before enabling the subscription?
You can invalidate the current access token and regenerate a new acces…
Can we get the OHLC hourly or for that matter any other timeframe like 15m or 5m using just connect APIs without historical API subscription?
No, there is no built-in API for hourly OHLC. You need to create hourly-based websocket/quote call at your …
Do I need to do the kite.login_url() manually daily (if yes, then why)? "
Go through the login FAQs here.
"WebSocket closed: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (WebSocket connection upgrade failed (403 - Forbidden))
Go through websocket FAQs her…
I am concerned about the incorrect data during trading hours. What can be done to avoid the same?
Date and Time : 19-06-2024 10:08
Open : 3261.25
High : 3314
Low: 3239
Close: 3262
But when I see the same data on the UI I am getting
Open : 3261.25
Does fetching the historical data(say last 10 years) using the current instrument_token for some stock (say whose instrument_token has changed several times) return the old data?
All these cases, including corporate actions (such as spin-offs where …