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  • Bharat012
    Hi Rakesh -
    When I use the tag attribute in an Order, the respective 'day' set of positions should also have the 'tag' attribute present while querying positions. But I do not see the 'tag' attribute documented here https://kite.trade/docs/connect/v3/portfolio/#positions.
    The 'tag' attribute is paramount to identify all open positions on a specific context. Without which, real time position's profit/ loss cannot be queried on a specific context (strategy).

    Appreciate your response on this matter.
    July 2024
  • vsang
    hi i am placing buy and sell order and they are getting executed successfully
    the problem is that i could not find the order id obtained from the order in the list of executed order from the zerodha trade report available at the console the next day of trading.
    "Order placed successfully. Order ID: 240614802052500"

    kindly help how can i verify the order placed by kiteconnect python api in the tradebook and verify the buying and selling prices along with the quantity.

    thank you
    June 2024
  • HP036
    We used the websocket and i want to connect and close the websocket.

    def on_connect(ws, response):
    ws.set_mode(ws.MODE_FULL, [instrument_token])

    def on_close(ws, code, reason):
    print("Connection closed:", code, reason)

    kws.on_ticks = on_ticks
    kws.on_connect = on_connect
    kws.on_close = on_close

    #want to connect the websocket at 9:15 AM to start collecting data
    while True:
    current_time = datetime.now().time()
    if current_time.hour == 9 and current_time.minute == 15:

    #want to stop collecting data and to close the websocket connection at 15:30 AM
    while True:
    current_time = datetime.now().time()
    if current_time.hour == 10 and current_time.minute >= 20:
    print("Connection closed")

    by above code i can't connect and close the websocket automatically at a given time, can you share the solution with some example.
    April 2024
  • Channagiri

    this python code logs in successfully (access token provided ), it fetches histrorical data in loop but it is not placing orders as per the given trading logic. but after a while (like an hour) sudden random trades are automatically placed in the zerodha kite mobile app. Is the kite.place_order thing not working? i have checked the documentation but couldnt identify the problem. please help Rakesh ji !
    December 2023
  • archit

    Activated the API 3-4 days ago, tried to login via python code, getting this error on opening the link -

    {"status":"error","message":"Invalid `api_key`.","data":null,"error_type":"InputException"}

    Can you please help?
    June 2023
  • bharathks
    hi, thanks for your reply on the below query. Appreciate if you can let me know how to get access token. In the link you shared, there was a link of youtube but that was not working.

    bharathks March 20 Flag
    further, I am getting the below error messages on my telegram bot because of API issue.

    algobuy, [20-03-2023 18:12]
    2023-03-20 18:12:07:Bank Nifty Zerodha handle failure Incorrect api_key or access_token..

    algobuy, [20-03-2023 18:12]
    2023-03-20 18:12:09:Bank Nifty CloseOrder - Incorrect api_key or access_token.
    March 2023
  • hai2arun

    Client ID: LK0046
    March 2023
  • vjp2610
    I have credited 2000 rs. in billing & then created an app but i not working so, i deleted it. now my 2k rs. wasted, as if i want to create app once again zerodha charges 2k more. pl. do needful. i want to link my tradingview account to zerodha. need your guidance
    March 2023
  • Jinal_Shah
    Hi Rakesh,
    Please help with code of Total Open Interest from Zerodha API for individual strikes
    December 2022
  • Wasi1093
    Hi Rakesh,
    I am not able to place market orders for Nifty options thru my algo, getting error as "due to high or low volatility, market orders are not allowed". Please advise and help.
    December 2022
  • codetech
    Hi Rakesh,

    I am trying to automate order placement from google spreadsheet. While searching in kite forum, I came across post regarding NRML order placement by you.

    I am gated at the first step i.e. to connect google spreadsheet with kite.

    Please guide us on how to connect kite with google spreadsheet.

    Suruchi Daga
    November 2022
  • being
    Bro my post has been approved.. I am still getting this error
    Error: Trigger price for stoploss buy orders should be higher than the last traded price (3975.00). Use limit order to buy at a lower price. [Read more.](https://support.zerodha.com/category/trading-and-markets/margin-leverage-and-product-and-order-types/articles/what-are-stop-loss-orders-and-how-to-use-them)
    Even though my stop loss order is being placed and accepted.
    November 2022
  • naveen278
    Hi Rakesh
    For NIFTY03NOV17700CE when I do NFO:NIFTY03NOV17700CE getQuote it is not working, can you help me
    October 2022
  • ChandiniM
    Hi Rakesh,

    I have accidentally chosen my client ID as my User name. My client ID is publicly visible when I make posts on the forum. Kindly help me edit my username to 'ChandiniMetra'.

    September 2022
  • seenuchennai
    I am testing now yesterday's last traded
    market value shows

    I attached the code also anyone please help I need to start at 9:15 am and stop at 3:30 please fix it

    ##from kiteconnect import KiteConnect
    import time
    from kiteconnect import KiteTicker
    import sys
    import pandas as pd


    kws = KiteTicker(api_key,access_token)

    tokens=[i for i in instruments['instrument_token']]
    tokens= list(map(int, tokens))


    for x,y in zip(symbol['instrument_token'],symbol['tradingsymbol']):

    #dict={60292359:'CRUDEOIL22JULFUT',59549447 : 'GOLD22AUGFUT',59658503 : 'SILVER22SEPFUT',}

    August 2022
  • ashishsharma5051
    sir ,using quote
    May 2022
  • sagar_yv
  • TG8731
    hi, perhaps you did not get my qn. I have placed order through kite connect API. Iam not seeing the order details in kite.
    April 2022
  • anand_r
    Hi Rakesh,
    I need your help in integrating basket of stocks with my app. I have a kite connect subscription with zerodha. My problem is as follows:
    1. I have a use case in which user can buy a single stock using publisher from my platform. I load the publisher.js and using the button click user goes to your login page or to the dashboard for executing the order.
    2. I am implementing "basket of stocks" using the link "https://kite.trade/docs/connect/v3/publisher/".
    3. In my react component, I load the publisher.js script (like in the single stock publisher use case).
    4. Once the publisher.js script is loaded I execute the javascript (from https://kite.trade/docs/connect/v3/publisher/, which has the KiteConnect functions).
    5. When the user clicks my custom button should it not open the zerodha login window or navigate to your dashboard with the stocks I set?
    Is there a way I can reach out to you as I cannot share all my app details here?
    Pls help. Really appreciate your help. Thanks.
    March 2022
  • chphani
    February 2022
  • Sundar_G
    You can go through login flow FAQs here. https://kite.trade/forum/discussion/4732/frequently-asked-questions-faqs#login ==> Already have set all credential as mentioned in this solution
    January 2022
  • Sundar_G
    THis is what you mentioned in your page
    "By default, the API is restricted to a single Zerodha user ID. If you want multi-user login support, please e-mail us."
    January 2022
  • Sundar_G
    {"status":"error","message":"The user is not enabled for the app.","data":null,"error_type":"InputException"}
    I have created two API connection for same Zerodha User Id, First one am able to connect, 2nd one connection is failing, please help
    api_key = 8pxz1hr457b51yxl
    January 2022
  • narayanan
    Kite web is able to access from beginning
    September 2021
  • narayanan
    Not able to login. The operation has timed out
    September 2021
  • narayanan
    Rakesh issue still exist
    September 2021
  • viral
    hi can u help me to read orders from excel in phyton and execute them in zerodha
    September 2021
  • satish27
    again price is showing as zero... in publisher...
    August 2021
  • ajy
    this.kt = new K.KiteTicker({ api_key, access_token })

    this.kt.on('order_update', update => {
    console.log("order FOUND. YEAH");


    sometimes it works sometimes it is not called. but the orders are executed i checked.
    May 2021
  • kalpanakhokhar
    Hello @rakeshr,
    I have was facing connection error(1006) while getting tick data, I tried the sample code you provided at https://kite.trade/forum/discussion/7399/kiteconnect-ticker-connection-error-1006-connection-was-closed-uncleanly-none. It has resolved the issue very much but I still get this connection error after every 8-10 ticks. I have placed the screenshot here, could you be please enough to guide me on how to avoid such periodic error?
    March 2021