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  • @sujith @rakeshr @SRIJAN i ssue is resolved thank you guys. its just somehow AccessToken is comming null here . i know its a silly one wil take care in future . thanks again. just wasted weekend over it .
  • how would i correct that ? i doing this . how could i resolve this. or can u share some curls so i will setup that only and will not use kite connect const options = { api_key: apiKey, debug: true, }; const kc = new KiteConnect(options); kc.…
  • @rakeshr sir i have initialized kiteconnect as below const options = { api_key: apiKey, debug: true, }; const kc = new KiteConnect(options); kc.setAccessToken(AccessToken); and get request response as below for placeOrder. if u want to see getH…
  • var ticker = new KiteTicker({ api_key: apiKey, access_token: AccessToken, }); ticker.autoReconnect(true, 10, 5); ticker.connect(); ticker.on("ticks", TicksFunc); ticker.on("connect", subscribe); ticker.on("noreconnect", function () {…
  • if u are asking request response request {"url":"/portfolio/positions","method":"get","data":null,"headers":{"common":{"Accept":"application/json, text/plain, */*"},"delete":{},"get":{},"head":{},"post":{"Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlen…
  • even if i restart service without changing access token then still websockets ticks working fine and i can see running sessions from my APP its showing my service active session. can u tell how can i get debug logs ? i have passed debug: true key i…
  • i just use websockets for ticks and placeOrder API but just checked on getPositions is throwing same error just websockets ticks are working fine as of now. @SRIJAN
  • tried multiple time as mentioned above from 28-apr-2022 i am facing this issue ticks are coming correctly but issue is from order placing side. i am running my service from past 1 month now (generated token every day manually around 9AM) . on 27-apr…
  • yes passing variety as "regular" apart from that exchange: "NSE" tradingsymbol: "SUNPHARMA" transaction_type: "BUY" quantity: 1 product: "MIS" order_type: "MARKET" validity: "DAY" @SRIJAN
  • @sujith can u please help here