Trying to debug the issue, through proxy i am able to access KiteConnect function but kite.historical does not work.
print(kite.historical(StockInstToken, FromDate, ToDate, interval)
Traceback (most recent call …
I am still facing this problem. Able to successfully login but beyond that the historical Function errors out with Gateway connection error. The error trace is mentioned in post#1. Can you please look into it or let me know what more data …
Hi Sujith
That was my assumption as well but it did not work. I was able to set the proxy at login and i got the key and was able to get Kite API login output. After that historial API is erroring out with ClientNetworkException: Gateway connection…
I tried debugging, the 7th line in the error output traces to a request definition which does have proxies but in historial API (unlike Connect API) does not have proxies as a parameter
Tagging few folks @vivek @Nikhil.A @Kailash