By Oct-3, If TOTP is not set, and I am still using old method of entering PIN:
a. I understand that order placement will be rejected
b. But please confirm that other read-only api's like ltp, quote will still work.
Just a question out of curiosity
This issue is occurring for more than 2 years now, but zerodha tech is not bothered to put in permanent fix.
Very surprising to see why they can't make work simple command 'pip install kiteconnect'
Anyway, i had to reinstall my pc so found same prob…
tag is supported for GTT order, see working code snippet below. I am able to retrieve the tag through ticker as well when GTT is triggered & executed. So tag is functional in all aspect, except when get_gtts() is invoked.
I am receiving the same error. I have included kiteconnect==3.8.2 in requirements.txt
It doesn't get downloaded automatically (error pasted below).
I have to pip install it separately, then it works (so this is manual activity post every restart).