It is important that ZERODHA clears their stand on this matter, rather than pointing clients to some unreliable way to get greeks.
I request you to please give a concrete reply, rather than giving loose timeslines like "we will provide soon".
@Sravanthi_bh Hi, I already saw this thread.
My question, is zerodha going to provide api to get option greeks, so that we can have reliable data ? If yes, how soon ?
The csv / xls file link in the thread don't work. But that's not a problem, I will figure out the correct link.
But I could see in that thread that Mr @themohammedfaisal says in August 2023 that they plan to add freeze quantity to instrument file.
Hi, thanks.
I am looking to put a tag on an order which is initiated from kite web (and NOT from kite connect api), and then retrieve that tag in orderupdatelistener on kiteconnect api.
I mean to say I want to put some tag to the order while creating the order, and I should be able to get that custom tag in my orderUpdateListener (KiteConnect.setOnOrderUpdateListener()) method implementation.
I noticed through google that ICICIDirect provides free access to option chain data through their BREEZE API's for all their customers. Does Zerodha also has anything like that ?
If the order state is OPEN, the price is visible but for Trigger pending orders, the trigger price must also be visible for a better understanding of the order history. Please fix this issues.
there is an API kiteConnect.getInstruments(String exchange) which can be used to get instruments list, and then get token out of it for any trading symbol.
I was also looking for a way to get instrument token, reached this thread after google searc…
thanks, this is what I have been doing. how many times can I call this api (for single cancellation) per second? Does the normal API call rate apply to this?
Would you want to introduce this API in future? This would be a nice addition.
BTW, any…
okay, thanks for your response.
So with the same application, I can execute API's on one zerodha account on one day, and on another zerodha account on another day?
From the stack trace-
okhttp3.internal.connection.RealCall.execute(RealCall.kt:148) at com.zerodhatech.kiteconnect.kitehttp.KiteRequestHandler.getRequest(
The exception in okhttp library is emanating from the KiteReque…
The screenshot says "By default, the API is restricted to a single Zerodha user ID. If you want multi-user login support, please e-mail us."
Kindly explain.
Hi Mr RakeshR, Thanks for your reply.
This exception is not always reproducible. If you can give me probable answer (even guess work is fine) by looking into what I provided before, that would be great.