Faced this same issue at 09:16:17AM, all the values of that tick is wrong. For example TV18BRDCST (3637249) has ltp value as 47.8 but as per kite or vendors, it never reached below 48.20 till 9.30AM.
It has spoiled my algo, as it has different low …
@sujith it is reproduced both in kiteconnect and kite mobile app.
I used node js and following is the parameters used for the bo variety.
{ exchange: 'NSE',
validity: 'DAY',
price: 102.85,
order_type: 'LIMIT',
squareoff: 0.3,
Limit order placed with 0.25 instead of 0.30 as given in the squareoff
"placed_by": "xxx",
"order_id": "180424000214342",
"exchange_order_id": "1000000000614880",
"parent_order_id": "180424000214078",
"status": "COM…