Your code looks correct. on_ticks ticker method should be called properly. But,we feel as it's continous while loop print("i am from main -> after kws.connect(threaded=True)"
My code is as follows. def on_ticks(ws, ticks):<br /># Callback to receive ticks.<br />#print(ticks)<br />insert_tick(ticks)<br />return<br />def on_connect(ws, response)
We tried same your above code and it's working fine at our end.Can you recheck if processing tick operation of check_entry is not throwing any local error? May be test check_entry method operation sep
/>for j in t[i].keys():<br />#print(j,t[i][j])<br />if j == 'ohlc':<br />for k in t[i][j].keys():<br />if k not in columns:<br />columns.append(k)<br />values.a
#printing last candle<br />print("------------------------------------------------------------------\n")<br />#making ohlc for new candle<br />ohlc[company_data['i