What is the best stack to use to mimic HFT as closely as possible?

I need to fetch market data on say every tick or every second, do some calculations, and send around 10 orders per second. What is the best language, way to use Kite APIs for the same, to minimize latency?
    SRIJAN edited March 2022
    Order place API has a limit of 10requests/ second. For every second market data,you can use websocket.

    However, KiteConnect is not meant for HFT. If you are looking for HFT, you will need to get a colo setup at the exchange premises where ticks are streamed via LAN and not internet. The basic setup itself costs upwards 18 lakhs/annum. You can write to kiteconnect(at)zerodha.com if you are interested for the colo setup.
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