Hi, I am getting this error - "Partial Pos Conv Exp Response : RMS:Bad Input" some times. Could you explain the possible reasons and also it would be helpful if the response is more sepcific. Thanks
The error says bad input. That means one of your given parameters was incorrect. I guess your quantity was wrong. It might be that you are trying to convert quantity which you don't have. What is the value of this PQty variable? Paste your full position conversion code.
This error occurs only when Pqty is less than the full position quantity. Anyways let me recheck today and update. Meanwhile a side question - given that there is no difference in margin requirement for MIS and NRML positions - nowadays - why does one get margin availability error while trying to convert one leg of a multileg position?
Insufficient margin will only show if you are having hedged positions utilising margin benefit. You only get margin benefit when the positions have same product. Let's say you have bought 1 future lot+1 lot put option,both MIS . You are getting margin benefit. Now if you convert any one of the positions to NRML,
the margin benefit will disappear as now the positions are not hedged. Only after you convert the other position to NRML too,you will enjoy margin benefit again. But the time period when both positions had different order type,if you don't have enough margin(full margin for both future buy+put buy in this case),margin shortfall error will show up.
The above code is used inside a loop - MIS-NRML conversion needs to be done in split qty else margin not available shows up..
Meanwhile a side question - given that there is no difference in margin requirement for MIS and NRML positions - nowadays - why does one get margin availability error while trying to convert one leg of a multileg position?
the margin benefit will disappear as now the positions are not hedged. Only after you convert the other position to NRML too,you will enjoy margin benefit again. But the time period when both positions had different order type,if you don't have enough margin(full margin for both future buy+put buy in this case),margin shortfall error will show up.
Today I am getting the following response for full or partial position.
InputException: Partial Pos Conv Exp Response : RMS:Bad Input