efficient way to use tick data

how to use tick data at multiple places in monitoring many strategies positions?(as many of them having mtm stoploss)
i want to check positions prices on every tick without blocking on_tick function
For saving data and other processing i am using redis and celery . Saving data first to db and then retrieving from db to compare will make it slower
Any hint would be helpful
    Then use the tick data to calculate pnl before dumping it into database.
  • which_part
    currently i am doing this
    lastPrice = {}
    def on_ticks(ws,ticks):
    for tick in ticks:
    lastPrice[tick['instrument_token']] = tick['last_price']

    def last_price():
    return lastPrice

    then check this dict in a while loop at multiple places
    is this non blocking and efficient or better approach possible?
    SRIJAN edited August 2022
    It's not non-blocking.
    I mean not exactly,as it has to execute something!

    But it's pretty lightweight inside on_ticks,so I don't think you will get connection errors.
    I have used the same approach in the past,and I personally didn't have any problem.

    Although,I wasn't checking the dictionary, just saving it.

    If you get connection errors,you can go for the methods described here by Rakesh Sir.

  • which_part
    thanks!u may close the thread now
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