categorize order types based on orders from postback url.

Hi Community,

I have postback url configured for my app and on receipt of each order I would like to categorize them to certain categories.

At the moment, the categories are

1. FNO Order
a. MIS Order
b. CNC Order
2. Equity Orders
a. CNC order
b. MIS order
3. Commodity Order
a. CNC order
b. MIS order
4. AMO order
a. Equity Order
i. FNO order,
ii. CNC order
b. FNO Order
i. FNO order,
ii. CNC order
c. Commodity Order
i. FNO order,
ii. CNC order

Is there any way to categorize the order based on some certain attributes,
for example when the Exchange is set to FNO then its an FNO order and in addition if the product is set to MIS then its FNO +MIS order, if the product is set to NRML then its FNO + CNC order

I am looking for a way to categorize the orders into categories as above.
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