Installation error

Trying to install kite connect client and getting below error. Plese suggest.

dotnet add package Tech.Zerodha.KiteConnect
Determining projects to restore...
Writing C:\Users\trupt\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp7DD7.tmp
info : X.509 certificate chain validation will use the default trust store selected by .NET.
info : X.509 certificate chain validation will use the default trust store selected by .NET.
info : Adding PackageReference for package 'Tech.Zerodha.KiteConnect' into project 'C:\Chetan\Trade\KiteConnect\dotnetkiteconnect-master\KiteConnect\KiteConnect.csproj'.
info : CACHE
info : Restoring packages for C:\User\Trade\KiteConnect\dotnetkiteconnect-master\KiteConnect\KiteConnect.csproj...
error: NU1108: Cycle detected.
error: Tech.Zerodha.KiteConnect -> Tech.Zerodha.KiteConnect (>= 4.0.1).
info : Package 'Tech.Zerodha.KiteConnect' is compatible with all the specified frameworks in project 'C:\User\Trade\KiteConnect\dotnetkiteconnect-master\KiteConnect\KiteConnect.csproj'.
error: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'path1')

Usage: NuGet.CommandLine.XPlat.dll package add [options]

-h|--help Show help information
--force-english-output Forces the application to run using an invariant, English-based culture.
--package Id of the package to be added.
--version Version of the package to be added.
-d|--dg-file Path to the dependency graph file to be used to restore preview and compatibility check.
-p|--project Path to the project file.
-f|--framework Frameworks for which the package reference should be added.
-n|--no-restore Do not perform restore preview and compatibility check. The added package reference will be unconditional.
-s|--source Specifies NuGet package sources to use during the restore.
--package-directory Directory to restore packages in.
--interactive Allow the command to block and require manual action for operations like authentication.
--prerelease Allows prerelease packages to be installed.
  • tonystark
    You seem to be adding KiteConnect package into actual KiteConnect project dotnetkiteconnect-master\KiteConnect\KiteConnect.csproj

    You are suppose to do this inside your project directory
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