EQUITY Instument Token not found for SBIN in fetchInstrumentTokens API

EQUITY Instument Token not found for SBIN in fetchInstrumentTokens API..

I saved all the instruments that I got from fetchInstrumentTokens API in my DB. I got only FUT, CE and PE. I want to use SBIN equity first to test my algo. What is instrument token of it and hoe can I fetch it automatically via API. Below is the detail of instruments for 'SBIN' I got.

mysql> select distinct instrument_type from instruments where name= 'SBIN'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
instrument_type: FUT
*************************** 2. row ***************************
instrument_type: CE
*************************** 3. row ***************************
instrument_type: PE
3 rows in set (0.05 sec)

Also I got some instruments where trading symbol is duplicate. What does it mean and how to uniquely identify a instrument that has same name as KITE platform app.
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