Delay from Zerodha kite servers in terms of consolidating the tick data to 1-min candle data

i am seeing a delay from Zerodha kite servers in terms of consolidating the tick data to 1-minute historical data.
for example, i am getting the 9:20 data from 9:21 to 9:23
the 9:20 1-minute candle data keeps on changing at 9:21,9:22 and 9:23. the data for a single 1-minute candle stick keeps on changing for next at least 3 minutes.
It was not happening before July last year. But the data keeps on changing now a days.
I think there is a delay at Zerodha kite server to consolidate the tick data to candle stick data.
Can someone please investigate this?
  • ANL
    Zerodha server is not delayed. You can't use historical data for live trading. You can't fetch historical data at minute turnover or for a specific minute of candle data at a specific time, if you prefer. no guarantee and not good polling rest API for live trading. It is better to use a WebSocket stream and create your own candle for a specific minute. There is no other way.

    check this thread:
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