Proposal: Allow specifying product type for GTT orders

JayanthSK edited April 2024 in Go client
Hey everyone,

I wanted to propose an enhancement for the gokiteconnect library regarding GTT (Good Till Triggered) orders. Currently, the library defaults the product type for GTT orders to CNC, which could cause issues in certain trading scenarios, especially when trading derivatives like Nifty Futures & Options (NFO) with the error message:
GTT for NIFTY2450222500CE was triggered: Order placement failed (Trading in NFO is not allowed using CNC product type). Try placing an order in NRML/MIS.

To address this limitation, I'm suggesting a modification to the newGTT function to accept a Product parameter in the GTTParams struct. This enhancement would allow users to specify the product type when creating GTT orders. If the Product parameter is provided, it would set the product type accordingly. If left empty, it would default to CNC.

I've opened an issue and a pull request to discuss and track this proposed enhancement.

Feel free to check out the details of the proposal and provide any feedback or suggestions. Your input is highly appreciated!

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