Instruemnt not found for BANKNIFTY 52700 CE 5th June 2024


In the instrument file, the above symbol is not found. It's getting traded today. It's not even visible on the Kite app. I think you are filtering the instruments which were not getting traded earlier. Please resolve this issue as soon as possible. Ideally, you should give all the available instruments irrespective of it's getting traded or not because due to volatility trading may start in far options.
  • sujitkc85
    Yes, I observed the same issue today. Many strikes that weren't traded till Friday 31 May were missing in the instruments file. Even far OTM strikes trade with high liquidity in such a high VIX environment. So, the instrument file should not exclude such option contracts. At least we should be able to pick the tokens easily from the instrument file. We as traders can decide to trade or not later by checking the liquidity which is secondary. Hopefully, Kite team fixes the instrument file.
  • themohammedfaisal
    Hi @rishiajmera @sujitkc85 ,

    We started allowing these inactive strikes intraday starting from last week (June 3). You would have been able to find these strikes on Kite web and app. However, these changes weren't available on Kite Connect users, we are provisioning for the same soon.
  • sujitkc85
    Thanks for the update @themohammedfaisal.
  • rishiajmera
    @themohammedfaisal Let us know once available. Thanks for quick updates.
  • rishiajmera
    rishiajmera edited November 2024
    @themohammedfaisal Is it available through API now?
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