Feature Request: Ability to Add Stocks by Amount and Quantity in SIP Basket Creation

smitchatwani edited February 28 in General
While creating a SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) basket, it would be highly beneficial to have a feature that allows users to add a particular stock by specifying both the amount they wish to invest and the quantity of shares they want to purchase. Currently, the system only prompts for the quantity of shares, but it does not provide an option to input the total amount intended for investment in a specific stock.

Proposed Solution:

Dual Input Option: Introduce a dual input option where users can specify either:

The quantity of shares they want to purchase, or

The total amount they wish to invest in a particular stock.

The idea is the investment for each stock gets saved in the basket, and when market falls I can reinvest the same amount by just clicking on execute from the basket.
Let's say I choose hdfcbank 2000 Rs and Icici 4000Rs. Now tomorrow I don't have to again come and choose quantities, I can just open my basket and click execute and it will debit 6000Rs,
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