1. How many kiteticker for an API one can start simultaneously 2. How can I know how many of them are running 3. If I restart the module in which kiteticker is defined whether a new instance will get created. In this case how to remove old instance.
1. Each API app allows for up to three WS connections. 2. You need to enable debug logs and check the live updates from the ticker. 3. Stop the reactor. You can not restart the reactor because of twisted's limations, check this thread: https://kite.trade/forum/discussion/comment/48418/#Comment_48418
2. You need to enable debug logs and check the live updates from the ticker.
3. Stop the reactor. You can not restart the reactor because of twisted's limations, check this thread: https://kite.trade/forum/discussion/comment/48418/#Comment_48418
check FAQ